Sunday PM

Having the first run-out with my recently acquired Mongoose SE.
To make comparisons with the ATT R2 that I used recently, I kept to all the same items except for the razor and blades and of course with the same 3 day growth !

Prep - Hot shower
Brush - RazoRock Plissoft Monster
Cream - Cella Almond
Bowl - Crown King Scuttle
Razor - Mongoose
Blade - Feather Pro SoftGuard - Kai Captain Sharpblade
Aftersave - DR Botanicals Pomegranate Noir
Cologne - Georgio Armani Code Profumo

Started originally with the Feather blade, but found that it was dragging really badly and could not continue, got about 1/3 rd of the way through the first pass and decided to change it. and put in a Kai Captain Sharpblade.
The difference was amazing !
The Mongoose with this blade was passing over my face so smoothly, that I had to stop and check that it was cutting the whiskers; and boy was it !
I ended up just doing two passes, because the area covered by the first blade was too irritated; nevertheless still ended up with a DFS !
I shall carry on for quite a few shaves with the Mongoose to give it a really good workout, and also see how many shaves I can get out of the Kai blade.