Sunbury's Blades Under Microscope Video

Sunbury !!
God i must be bored today, making Photo Light Boxes, and now this.......

I have a 200x Microscope with Video / Photo Capability, i ran some blades under it to look at the edge close up



Gillette 7 O'Clock Yellow:


Supermax (skip to 0.28 seconds as had probs with Microscope):


Vintage Jewell (for the benefit of RB73 to see proof of how s**t they are):

It looks like it has corrosion on the blade or something but I took it from a sealed box. Guess they didn't age well. I pulled two out of another box. And looked at them. One was good and one was crap. Guess it explains the inconsistency with these jewels

They are stainless Maybe crap steel ?? Not good would of thought that coming from Sheffield these would have been top notch
Thats cause the blade makers threw some dirt on em!... :lol:

I can see why the Feathers would get dull quicker than most..their edge was not as well done as the Gillette Yellows
Gillette Yellow's looked to be the better of these vid's...I think

antdad said:
That Jewel even looks blunt up close. :shock: