Strange things are afoot.....

Right here!
Since I started down this wet shaving route, nearly two and a half years ago, my wife has been very supportive, as she normally is with anything I do (no, seriously!) The only exceptions to this have been a lack of understanding as to why I would need more than one brush, and not wanting any of "my stuff sitting cluttering up the bathroom". This is probably because there's no room......from all her stuff cluttering up the bathroom! Both her and my daughter really took to DE and then SE, and "couldn't go back" to carts and cans, and that helped a lot.
Now, getting to the meat of the story, she was in New York a couple of weeks ago at a wedding and took some time out to visit Pasteur's Pharmacy (Art Of Shaving too, but a bit meh really in comparison and too expensive) on my recommendation. She couldn't believe what she saw.......smelled, felt, etc, etc, etc. Turns out she was like a kid in a candy store, as they say there, she loved everything! Had a great chat with the staff and is still conversing with them on that facebook thingy!
I think she really got a sense of the size of the market, but possibly more that this wet shaving malarkey is quite a bit bigger than first though, and a serious market.
Fast forward to her return and along with a nice little bag of goodies, has come this new attitude. Have to say, it is completely freaking me out!
Gone are all her bits and pieces and in place she now wants some nice new glass shelves - to display all my shaving seriously, what the actual fugg has happened? It's like something out of The Stepford Wives!!!
I'm getting new soaps and creams, ones she loved the smell of too, wants nice after shave and cologne bottles like 4711, ones to match my soaps and all.! I now "need" a proper lather bowl and mug, stands for my razors, new towels, nice containers for the soaps that have goes on and on!
I nearly fell off the side of the bath when she told me it would be nice to have a display of good brushes beside the mirror! She actually wants to go back to NY, just to go there again - only with "a lot more money this time"!
She did say my Shavemac was nicer than any of the hundreds she saw and felt in the shop......and get this - she wants her own brush!
Those following the latest Shavemac group buy thread will be wondering what's going on, as I noted that this brush needs to fly well below the radar. Well that's only because I decided on that before she decided on all this! Only on her terms kinda logic!
So, whilst all this is some very welcomed news, I'm completely disoriented. Has anyone encountered anything similar?
She's preparing the way for a home shopping venture ? Will become the British supplier of a number of American shaving delicacies and is about to make you an eceedingly rich, as well as much loved, man !

JohnnyO. o/.
This is brilliant! Can I have my Mrs spend the evening with yours? I would strike whilst the iron is hot. Few more Shavemacs. Get her to join TSR and open the front door to a new product each day

I'm rather inexperienced in this whole marriage lark so if it's the calm before the storm, then I'm also learning a valuable lesson!
Oh and she currently thinks Shavemacs are made by a guy on the forum that does it for a hobby and sells them really rather cheaply! [emoji11][emoji443]
I'm thinking it'll grow into quite a large business rather quickly and the price of his brushes will have to go up!
When she asks you to buy her a few of those cheap Shavemacs for her, your in trouble.

And when she starts looking at ebay and prices up your collection.
When she asks you to buy her a few of those cheap Shavemacs for her, your in trouble.

Oh she does want one! I know she's going to probably want the one I have coming (hurry up FedEx!!) I may have to "subsidise" it though!

And when she starts looking at ebay and prices up your collection.

Well she knows the price of all the other stuff but at least I'm not into modern razors ......just yet.
My wife doesn't do the whole womanly thing of shoes, piles of make-up, dresses and what not. She's never been a collector of anything and can't really get that bit in me.
I feel guilty that I'm being a little cynical and looking the gift horse down the throat. I know the bug has bit her and she's just looking to support me but it's just so......overnight!