Closed Straight razor waiting list and status (learn to straight shave - need new guys!)...

No problem - im in no hurry - slowly getting used to the shavette!
Ken T M said:
I'll need to get it honed before I pass it on - I slightly mullered it by not stropping properly. This may not happen until after Christmas...

Ken, if you want to send it to me, I'll re-hone FOC it and send it on. Let me have a PM with who it needs to go to and I'll respond with my address.
Hello all. Sorry for the radio silence - it's been a pretty scroogeish January, and I couldn't afford to get the thing honed. I was waiting until the next paycheque to get it done.

However, I've just read UKRob's message, which is mighty generous indeed. If the offer still stands, I'll gladly take you up on it - can you PM me your address?

If not, I'll wait until I get paid in a week or so, then send it to get honed from straightrazorplace or somewhere and on to Dendass (can you PM me your address?)
Cheers Rob and cheers guys for trying it out! If it's dammaged or not taking an edge, please lmk Rob and I'll toss in a new razor to the next guy...
Ken, it's all part of the fun of using a Str8! If you read between the lines... You'll find that we have all these different Hones and Strops because no one razor works best with the strop or hone that it's brother razor worked best with!
That's why you find all the Grind Marks on the old ones. Back in '00 you just gave it to your friendly Knife Grinder to put it to the Wheel!
Ken, it's all part of the fun of using a Str8! If you read between the lines... You'll find that we have all these different Hones and Strops because no one razor works best with the strop or hone that it's brother razor worked best with!
That's why you find all the Grind Marks on the old ones. Back in '00 you just gave it to your friendly Knife Grinder to put it to the Wheel!
mayhem72 said:
Any chance of being added time the list please? Would love time try one before I commit to buying one

I've put you on the list now, pls let Rob know your addy and pls transfer shipping funds to him...