Straight razor vs DE safety razor


I’m curious about the general opinion on straight razors vs DE safety razors.

Assuming you know what you’re doing and have experience with both, what gives the ‘best’ shave? Best I define not as the closest shave, but as the most comfortable shave.
This is a tough one as they are very different beasts.
In my opinion for what its worth is the straight razor for the most comfortable. I found it the best for the cheeks and neck area.
Absolutely no irritation or rashes etc but I never could get a decent shave under my lip and chin area.
The DE is the quickest and dare I say it closest shave but sometimes I do suffer from one of the above issues.
I don't think you will get a definitive answer as it's always a YMMV situation and they are completely different shaving styles.
I hope it helps somehow and I will end with, technique is really the key to either option.
Main issue abou SR is the edge. Time to have and mainteain it keen.
A good shavette with AC blade can be a nice alternative.
As the DE have poor blade, SE with AC can be better.
YMMV realm is wide ...

BTW, with a good basic technique each system shaves well.
I use each of them, from antique SR to modern multiblade.
Each has pros and cons. The point is to choose it wisely.
The result is a smooth BBS.
Straight razor ... something about the carbon steel, perhaps?

It's a funny thing to say because I am one of those kinda "all in" fellows but maintaining straight razors is not for me. I don't enjoy it. Continuing that idea, using disposable straights like the vintage Weck system is something that I find very enjoyable but absolutely not the Feather Artist Club system. In the middle, I have a Feather Custom Razor which takes both the Weck-style and the slightly thinner Feather Cut blades - those, I really enjoy! There's a real sing to those blades, not dissimilar to a good hollow ground.

I do have some vintage Weck Sextoblade blades which are serviceable and found them to be very nice indeed, almost to the point of a real straight razor experience. Likewise, vintage Durham Duplex blades which can be rehoned give a really ... err, milky shave.

... so, maybe it's just something in the feel of that material on the face.
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It's going to come down to how good your edge is on the straight. I use both, well, I mean, DE, ACSE and straight razors.

Straight razors, being bigger, require fewer strokes. In addition, you're less likely to apply too much pressure to a straight. Oftentimes I find DE blades sharper than I can get my edges though, but I am enjoying the process of learning to hone etc.

Comfort wise I find straights best. Results wise, if the razor has a good edge then it's a good as DE if not better.
Time wise straight razors need time in the shave and for maintenance hence I tend to use SE or DE in the week.
As far as comfort goes, easily (for me) a reasonably well honed old English straight razor is best. That's the most comfortable during the shave and after the shave, the stumble doesn't seem to grow back as sharp.
Thanks all. Still on the fence about straights, mainly because of the ‘upkeep’ part. I have to figure out if that is what I like or if it will be an annoyance…