Straight razor shaving stalled by strop choice

Having been DE shaving for 18 months, I decided to give SE shaving a go. I've been stalling for a few months, though, because the strop I have is a gift - a 2 inch wide basic item bought on Amazon ( I'm reluctant to start stropping my new Dovo on it, for fear of ruining the blade, and so have not even attempted my first shave. Should I wait until I can get a decent strop (say, from Westholme Razor Strops) or is it OK to experiment with a cheap strop and use a better one when my skills are improved?
I would recommend using a cheap strop before switching to a better one. Not because you'll wreck the edge (roll the edge, forcing a rehone), but because you'll cut the strop. Everyone does.

If you have a worn out pair of denim trousers, a swatch of fabric from the leg makes a fine impromptu strop, as does pasted newsprint. The strop material and value matters less than one might think, reading some of the straight razor posts.

Just remember to roll the blade on the spine, not the edge, practice the stropping movement in mid-air for a bit before using the strop, and you'll do fine.
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Usual advice is to start on a basic strop to learn the technique. You are unlikely to cause terminal damage to the razor but the chances of damaging the strop are pretty high. Once you've got the technique sorted an upgrade will be more likely to survive.
Thanks for the advice. I'll start to practise tomorrow. Christmas time off work is a great opportunity to work on it at leisure.