Straight razor scales - MOP

Thursday March 1, 2012
I started work on some of these razors a while ago but never got around to posting pictures of the way they turned out.

First up is the black mother of pearl with my Wacker Chevalier razor - they really go well together.

Next is the same process using white MOP on a Gilbert Brothers razor - probably my favourite shape in a razor.

A group shot with my Maestro Livi Damascus steel blade - the scales are his version of MOP.

Finally, a razor I completed this week. It's Japanese Takigawa - when I got it the tang covers were broken so I replaced them with black G10 and then used the same to line the off white scales. Pictures don't really do it justice. The brush is a Thater 2 band finest that turned up today.

Rob, yer a feckin' genius fella! Love the MOP and yon last combo is the classiest piece of shaving gear I've ever seen - fabulously elegant and elegantly fabulous. Effusive praise indeed but then I have just taken my diazepam and they are stunning. :oops:

You keep that last pair and give it laldy with them, old son. :):D
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