Straight Give Away

Hi there I am going to give this straight razor away on Friday if you want it put a post up saying so and I will put your name into the hat. The only thing that I ask is that you haven’t used a straight before so this is a good time to try one out for free. I bought the razor off ebay because the picture looked nice however when I got it I found out that it had been restored by somebody else (I like to restore razors myself so it’s got to go) I have put new scales on it as the old ones were rubbish. I have honed it and shaved with it twice and it is a really nice smooth shave. It will be put into Barbicide before I send it out.


Names So Far

Pig Cat


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Yes, very generous Exile, please count me in.

[edit] actually, I may not qualify because I have tried a straight way back in the dim and distant, but it's not as if I'd know what I'm doing or anything.
Wow Graham, good offer.

I've never used a straight before (and am down to a single figure number of old Gillettes) so please count me in.

Thanks for the chance to try this

God bless

Ditto Stitch

If lucky enough to win, will do same with Merkur Barberbole long handled thingy. Used about 6 times from new. Mint condition. Thought I liked long handled razors 'till I got my Lux. Still a great razor.


Looks like some fellas are eager to give the old straight razor a whirl (not literally, that would be silly).

I'm not adding my name to the list but will be interested in seeing who gets it.

Very generous.
I tried a straight (courtesy of Joe Mclaine) and found that it wasn't for me, but I just wanted to say that I approve of such generosity.

It's about time I joined the gannet squadron so please put my name in the hat as well, Exile. Even if I don't win top marks for such a generous offer. I've always backed off from buying as straight to try in case I didn't like it. The chance of winnning a free one to try solves that problem
A nod and and a wink in your direction, please count me in, i really want to try Straight Shaving,
i tried out one of those Sanguine Things where it takes have a regulare DE Blade, and it was awful....looked like i was into self harming !!!

Would love to try with a nice bit of kit

I may have to moderate this thread and delete some posts :twisted: ... walks away whistling