Steve's Barbershop Bay Rum

Which product, RT?

Just had a look on my bottles. The Grapeseed and Castor are for skin use and don't mention the face. The EO's say don't use undiluted...which I don't. The E45 and Garnier are Ok on the face. Help me out here and I'll go and check.
Well I didn't know that,RT!

It says on the bottle (albeit not in huge letters) and is plain as daylight. For future ref. I'll have to see what it is in the ingredients that isn't approved for the fizzog.

Thanks for the advice !!

As it happens I asked the Mrs to get some of this whilst in Asda this afternoon...she'll be in very soon so will know if we have it.

No mention of facial prohibition.

I'll have to ask the Mrs. if she uses the "Not for the Face" Garnier product on her mush.

Maybe she knew all along and is secretly trying to do me in?
Well if you have been using it on your face, and you are still with us, face and all, probably a load of rubbish. Not sure what the difference is with the skin on your face and the rest of your body though, any doctors on here?
I must admit I had wondered why my face became disfigured with an outbreak of spots, warts, pimples, and other epidermal eruptions every time I used it....but thought nothing of it....well you wouldn't, would you?
RT. May I submit for your consideration my most recent acquisition which I suggest might serve well as pre and/or post shave lotion.

Simplicity itself and no home made concoctions.

Initial road tests seem favourable.

Item 1. 300ml bottle of Aveeno Daily Moisturising Lotion currently £4.76 reduced from £7.15 in Superdrug.

Use the above with the following:

Item 2. A tiny splash of the (previously mentioned back up this thread) Garnier (FACE FRIENDLY)150ml bottle of Garnier Body Ultimate Beauty Oil £5.32 reduced from £7.99 in Superdrug.
Tried the two together again just now and am REALLY happy with the combination. You only need a small dollop of the oil but extra Aveeno easily absorbs the oil if you overdo the oil. A spot of glycerine added to the mix is excellent for me on the PRE shave (I don't use after so much in case it makes it too sticky)

You can obviously alter the ratio to get the right consistency for you...and I finish off by adding some water on my hands and rubbing it in a bit more (I rub on my hair too, given that one of my very few positive physical attributes is I still have almost all of that left).

TBH I'll still keep the other Garnier item on the shelf as well as the E45 cream as well as the Frankenoil as well as the Nivea balm as well as the Bulldog balm as well as the......................................... let me know how you get on. Would be very interested. Used the Weber/Lab Blue plus the mix of the two items, plus some glycerine as a pre-shave this morning, and continue to be extremely happy....TBH I woke this morning and rubbed a hand across my ugly chops and was struck by the unusually profound softness after having used it last night. (OK, maybe I've overstated the case....but am genuinely happy with it).
rolatruck said:
Are you sure it was your chops and not the wifes

No, the wife has a full beard. It has grey bits in it but still a fine display of facial growth.

Bloody good job I sit in a room of my own and she doesn't look over my shoulder as I type....I'd be in all sorts of trouble.....

Thanks for the steer on these Stan, great moisturiser and mixed with a splash of the oil is a great aftershave balm, good price too :icon_razz:
Really pleased about that, RT.

Got to be honest I have a little parade lined up in a row which consists the Aveeny, The E45, The other Garnier we spoke about which wasn't supposed to go on on the mush region (but in practice, does), then the Garnier oil you just received. ...and I just take a little squirt of each for hands, face elbows and anywhere else which I might deem worthy of a little luxurious softening and moisturising.

After you noted the postage on both items was for gratis I concede I did the same and it arrived yesterday...wouldn't do to run out now would it? I alternate the Garnier oil with my Frankenoil just to add a little spice to my otherwise mundane life.