Steve Woodhead Pottery Shaving Mug

London U.K
I bought a shaving mug the other day from Steve Woodhead's ebay shop. I just can't recommend him enough:

If this has been covered before, then apologies to all, but I was so impressed, I had to mention the shop.

Superfast delivery (arrived before stuff I'd ordered two days before), great price range and top notch gear.

If you haven't checked his stuff out, then treat yourself to a nosey around!
heres the link to his new site

very early stages bit stay tuned ,,,it will and is being devloped

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i am the owner of his first ever scuttle...and first in the bin ....tiled floor won on that occasion :roll:
I must admit..the 30bp and up ones are the better option..other than that..the others look nothing more than a fancy mug..its just the reservoir tips of the pricier ones can channel hot water to surround the inner chamber :shave