Stepping up from a Boots DE

As some of you will know im new to DE shaving. Ive had 2 shaves with the £3.79 Boots DE which i bought last week and now like a magpie im now finding myself looking at shiney shiney DE razors. Im happy enough with the boots blades at the moment so id like to use them up in something better then move onto other ones so i can find the one which works best for me.

Whether this matters or not but i have rather sensitive skin.

I've looked through the forum ive come up with these options:

Merkur 33c
Merkur 34c
Edwin Jagger DE89L (lined version)

From what ive read the 33c is more forgiving to those who are learning and press on a little (which i do), the 34c seems a popular choice as does the the DE89L.

Im sure i wont go wrong with either of these but im open to suggestions to help me make my decision (plus any ideas left field ive not thought of), im not considering vintage razors as im sure a collection will follow in due course!

Hi, Martin
Just one point first... get all the proper kit and do the proper prep and shaving for a few weeks, then decide whether you have sensitive skin. I thought I had sensitive skin (for 56 years) and am now concluding that I could give a rhinoceros a run for it's money (skin-wise)... sorry, a bit of an overstatement, but I'm getting there. If you truly have sensitive skin, then you'll still get on fine with all the proper kit and proper prep etc etc.

For what it's worth, I moved from the Wilkie cheapie to an EJ DE89.. I got unlined as it's even shinier, and had no trouble with the grip when wet. You'll do fine with any of usual suspects. However... after a few short weeks and the prospect of a future Christmas present, I'm now thinking about adjustable options... pure and simple case of RAD, I'm afraid.

The logic of having an adjustable seems obvious to me... even if you're new to it, just stick to one setting until you're used to it. I've done quite a bit of review reading and the like, and my own choices seem to be coming down to either a Merkur Progress (Mergress would be better) or a Gilletter Slim... but I'm willing to be persuaded otherwise.

There is only one problem with the likes of the EJ DE89 and the Merkur 34C for me... they just seem too good for what they cost... you can't help wondering if you spend twice as much (still not a fortune) you'd get something twice as good. That's flawed reasoning, but that's the nature of RAD.

My own strategy is to stick with the EJ, spruce up my technique, try out my newly acquired Connaught sample razor pack.. and then revisit nearer Christmas (but I may not last that long).
If you want to try a Lord Razor which is a copy of the Merkur head and I would say pretty similar, I'm offering one for lends in the BST thread. Would at least let you get an idea of a different razor.
Count of Undolpho said:
If you want to try a Lord Razor which is a copy of the Merkur head and I would say pretty similar, I'm offering one for lends in the BST thread. Would at least let you get an idea of a different razor.

Good offer that; I've heard that quality control can be variable on Lord razors but, as it's a good one, it will offer the OP an idea of what different geometry and balance does to the shave.
Don't believe you can go far wrong with any of the R89 razors from whichever maker you prefer. You'll probs find that it's a model which will stay with you for quite a long time into the future as it's certainly not limited to being a "starter razor" although it is a good choice for your 1st "proper" razor after the Boots special.
As far as more expensive performing better; my subjective experience across all shaving kit, including razors, suggests that increased expense does not cause a proportionate increase in quality of shave.
Whatever you go for, get one which appeals to you & then enjoy the journey.

JohnnyO. \:icon_razz:

Absolutely. Also, technique plays a much bigger part in how good your shaves are and how enjoyable you find them than any piece of equipment.
For a DE I'll have to recommend an adjustable. A Merkur Futur or a Gillette adjustable . For the Gillette something around '65/66. Adjustables will allow you a wide choice of blade brands.
Canuck said:
You won't go wrong with a Merkur 34 or a Jagger. I always say that but it's because they're genuinely good.

I'v only been away from cartridge razors for maybe 2 weeks. I fancied using a straight, so I picked up a Dovo Shavette. Takes a helluva lot of patience but the shave is great. I then decided to try a DE. I just bought a Merkur 34C today and ran it over 4 days worth of growth. It had a Merkur blade supplied. I absolutely love it. Not one bit of irritation to my face, and it took me half the time from using the shavette. I picked up some Proraso pre-shave too. Whacked it on, prepped my lather and was good to go. Best shave I've ever had. When I used the cartridge I could only shave every few days because my face wouldn't tolerate a daily shave, but with Merkur I think I could go everyday easily.
Hi, I'm also new to DEs. It's been about two weeks now. I can give a few tips, having bought a Merkur 1904 open comb, a couple of Boots DEs for travelling, a Merkur HD 34G and a Merkur Tavel DE.

The Boots razors are the least smooth by far, and I actually find the 34G more aggressive than the 1904. All three Merkurs are fantastic though.

I also thought I had sensitive skin, but good preparation and quality brushes and creams / soaps have shown me I don't. I shave comfortably and closely every day now.
Decide if you need a razor with a long or short handle, heavy or light.

Long handle, light razor: Edwin Jagger Chatsworth Ebony/Ivory/Horn around 60g. Or Merkur Long Handled classic.

Long handle, heavy razor: Merkur 'Barberpole,' plus other Merkur razors like the 43C (150g), or Edwin Jagger Chatsworth chrome (110g).

Short handle, light razor: Edwin Jagger DE86 or DE89.

Short handle, heavy razor: Murker 34C.

My preference is for long handled razors.