Started out with cream but now prefer soap.

The world is my Office
In the few months I've been wet shaving I have come to the conclusion I prefer soap. I just get a better more satisfying shave. But this has only been possible for me since I started using a shaving mug. I still like my trumpers and proraso cream and will use them up but soap is the way forward for me.

anyone else gone off shaving cream?
I started out with creams and struggled with soaps, but now I use both. I started out bowl lathering and I really struggled to lather soaps in a bowl (still do ), the lather always seemed to end up too airy. Since I've switched to face lathering, I can get much better/more consistent results, so I appreciate soaps more than I used to.
I started out in the sixties with soap, which was all I recall being available in Whiteinch in Glasgow, where I lived. First creams I got as presents would only be in the past 10 yrs or so. I believe that creams would probably have been nice to use for the first couple of months when I started shaving, but am much happier with soaps now.

I like both, but lean towards soaps. I find them more satisfying to use - getting all that lather from a solid object is like magic to me, less so from a cream for some reason. I find creams a bit messier and are more likely to leak into luggage when travelling etc. I hate the tubes.

A plus for creams is that it's much easier to use enough product, and very easy to use too much (which I don't think is a bad thing, the more lather the better!)

Hard soaps can take a bit more work to load the brush enough for multiple passes, but it really depends on the brush/soap combo.

I've tried all sorts of creams including Castle Forbes, and I still think Taylors offer the best value/performance compared to Trumpers etc. Musgo Real and Palmolive are fantastic too.

I started out with soaps. Always got on reasonably well with them. Recently been trying creams, started with old spice, then palmolive and now i'm using TOBS jermyn street sensitive cream, and its superb. Its my go-to now. I only use soap when i feel like a change (which is pretty much never)

The TOBS cream seems fine for face lathering, i scoop out a small amount (a large pea sized dod) and smear it into beard of wet face. Then with a mildly damp brush, work up a paste, and adding some water, it builds to a lovely thick lather, enough for 3-4 passes. Works for me.
Pig Cat said:
Other way around. Started off with soap thinking it was the 'proper way to shave', though not sure where I got that idea from. :?

You never fail to amze & delight me P/Cat. I would have been so sure that you'd wish to start off with the "improper" way to perform most personal tasks !

JohnnyO. \ :lol:
I don't have a preference at all , its really on a product by product basis. I started out with wilkinsons sword 'screw lubricant' bowl and some Tobs lavender .