Standard Razor

If you check a lot of items for sale in the US on Ebay, you can pay the import duties upfront, then no RM handling fee of £8. Not sure how good a deal it is as i have heard of Ebay profiteering and charging more than the actual duty due on the item. At least you know upfront what the cost of the item is and not have to worry about additional costs when it hits the UK.
No complaints from the buyers in the first run of the massdrop standard. Check the other thread, I don't think anyone got hit. And all this speculation over Vat and import was raised there.
In which case I apologise for duplicating the issue, but didn't see another thread. Maybe I've not been here long enough to get the hang of knowing where stuff is.

But, in the absence of the experience of others on the other thread (which I still don't know the location of) it has to be said that a stranger with limited knowledge of Massdrop woud draw conclusions based on the HMRC guidelines regarding what is and isn't liable for VAT...and this item does seem to be liable. And for clarification, I have no desire to pay more tax of any sort than I have to but I suppose must concede that if VAT is due then I can't legitimately try too hard to wriggle out of it.

Where is the thread ?...and do please help me by advising how I could have found it earlier.

Yup, I can see I have well and truly duplicated that which has been covered there, for which I am sorry.

Great though this site is, there are so many subsections I find it easy to miss stuff that's been covered but is in a section I've not looked at ...or looked at closely enough.

4/10 Stan needs to try harder. See me.