Stainless Tech?

Richmond, New Zealand
I have a nice 'stainless' Tech travel set, Made in England.
I originally thought it was a completely stainless steel razor, but am I right that it actually has a stainless handle only and the cap/base are plated brass?
Any way to date this set please?
I can do some piccy's later if needed.
Not even just a stainless handle?
I bought this set many years ago from an antique shop, and they described it as a stainless Tech razor.
Not knowing nowt about Gillette Techs I figured they knew what they were talking about.
I have started to get a few Gillettes now (aluminium Tech, Flat bottom Tech, NEW LC, and this particular Tech travel set).
The handle is heavy so probably plated brass then?
It was from an old estate, and the set had never been used so there is no wear on it that shows the underneath metal.
Thanks Bogeyman. Hope I didn't drag you out from under that bed again!
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