SOTD Saturday 9th December 2017 - Friday 15th December 2017

Pleased you enjoyed the vintage experience.
(Rubs hands), haha another victim.
Saturday's shave

Pre-shave - Warm shower, Wright's Cold Tar Soap face wash, followed by BBA Pre-Shave Oil.
Razor - Colonial The General (Black).
Blade - Kai Captain Titan (Pink) Mild (Day 2).
Soap - Jack Black Supreme Cream Shaving Cream.
Bowl - Little Wren.
Brush - Simpsons Chubby 2 Synthetic Badger.
Post shave - Myrsol 'Lemon' Splash, followed by Ibiza-Aloe Aloe Vera Gel.


Tried to go for a black themed shave today - only managed the razor and the shaving cream in that regard

A great 2 pass shave, no issues, DFS+/BBS - finish; with the cold weather today I felt that going for a third pass would have been greedy and ended up in some irritated skin.

Had a very slow relaxed shave this morning, zero rush, started with a long soak in the bath, with Epsom salts - good for the skin and a very good detox. After a quick shower and face wash, into the shave.

Very good audible feedback from The General (Black), more so than compared with the ATT SE-1 Aluminum. A very smooth and efficient shave. My skin feels smooth and relaxed.

Went for the Myrsol lemon to finish off, as I have not used that for several weeks - nice post shave feel and scent, as always.

Have a great day all, and stay safe with the weather!


Yaqi Mysterious Space Fan Knot
iKon SBS on Windrose Handle
Gillette Platinum (3)
Phoenix and Beau Borealis
Thayers Rose, BBA Post Shave Balm & Superdrug Forest Fresh

First use of my recent purchase from @Benz3ne. What a weight on it! A surprising razor to use, I used both sides on the midlest setting (I think) and it gave me a lovely smooth shave. Daunting given the weight and geometry of the head. Going to try it with the plate flipped tomorrow. More firsts in the uses of the Yaqi and the Borealis. The Yaqi is superb and a lot bigger than the Sagrada Familia, no glue bump and a great lather. The Borealis lathered well, the scent doesn't blow my socks off in all honesty but I will hold judgement on it until my flu clears up. I can get a bit of fir and that's it. Has the typical (my opinion) P&B soapy smell I find in most of their soaps. To compare the scent to a similar one of Tallow & Steel Boreal, that is a much better and rcher scent (even when sniffed right now with flu!). A final first is the use of the Grail I received from @Sid James, thanks mate! I regretted selling mine the second I received payment, nice to have one again. Though I will likely do a pif of a shave bowl early next year.

A light dusting of snow here today, doubt it will stick around though.
La Toja Shave Stick
RazoRock 400
Wilkinson "Old Stock" (4)
Dunhill Fresh ASL

I usually shave every other day, in the evening but having the time for a shave this morning I set to with a simple set up to smooth out a day and a halfs (sp) growth.
No real prep, I just wet my face and applied the La Toja stick to the bristles and whipped it up with my favourite synthetic brush
This Wilkinson blade still has a keen edge on it's fourth use, no tugging at all
With and against passes saw the stubble away with ease with plenty of cushion and glide from the bargain priced soap
I finished my shave with Dunhill Fresh ASL.
I don't often use this aftershave as it's not easy to get hold of. I picked it up at Costco years ago. It came with a cologne / EdT spray. It does an excellent job and smells very nice

How does it feel ? . . . . .

Sat 9th December
Vulfix 404 mixed
Vitos Super Red
Schick Proline [ 9 ]
Alum Rub/Rinse off
Tuff Red A/S Lotion

Yesterday I probably had one of my last Shaves with a Sabre V1, kindly lent to me by Kevin @Boru62. Regrettably though I found it be very smooth and comfortable, it did not give me a close all round Shave, without a lot of extra polishing/buffing work. I expect it will suit those with lighter beards , similar to the performance I get with the Suppy Single Edge V1.

Today the Shave was in a different league, the SE 1 is not only smooth but very efficient. The degree of blade feel is spot on, and one can easily assess how well a Shave is going. Can be used as a real precision tool to eradicate any stubborn areas of growth, all this achieved without fuss and ending up with an ultra close all round Shave.

Pre: Warm water face wash
Brush: Shavemac TSR 2015
Soap: Lea Classic
Razor: Pal Adjustable
Blade: Chick
Post: Warm then cold water rinse, Vitamin E Oil, Lea Classic ASL

Had to go out without a shave this morning (shock, gasp, horror), as this little brush was waiting for me at the delivery office, many thanks @cheesepiece.
It's a beautiful little brush and feels great in the hand, not as soft as my only other silvertip (Maseto 24mm), but much better backbone and therefore a better face latherer. It, on its debut, has become my favourite badger, on looks and performance.
I wish I could say the same about the Pal Adjustable, it's definitely my prettiest injector but performance wise, it lags behind the Injecto-matic, E3 and I1.
I can't seem to find the right setting for it, I'll stick a Proline B in it tomorrow and see how it fairs.
I don't need to say anything about the Lea soap and splash.
Have a great weekend everyone.
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Greetings All,

Saturday pm shave.

Two days' growth and warm shave

Preparation – Face washed with Clique Liquid facial soap (mild)

Pre: None
Soap: P&B Baskerville
Razor: Gillette Slim Adjustable (Setting 7 & 5)
Blade: Silver Star (1st)
Brush: RazoRock 400 (Bowl lather)
Bowl: Bideford Pottery Bowls

Post Shave: Cold water rinse, then a shower and concluded with Nivea 2 Phase.

Couple of things learnt today…

1. That was my first use of P&B Baskerville soap and – Straight on to my favourites list. I knew its scent was right up my street as I have had it a while and only today realised I had not actually shaved with it - shame on me. The lather was excellent, thick, slick and the scent bloomed nicely. It gave me great post shave feel and will be one of those soaps I use sparingly.

2. Setting 7 on the Gillette Slim Adjustable is my maximum level, although I want to try it again but after I have showered first to see if it makes a difference.

So usual Saturday 2 passes and feeling good, though a little tender on the neck.



Have a good weekend, Gents


Yesterday's face freeze experience was a resounding succcess. However, it's supposed to get to minus six in Edinburgh tonight and a second consecutive Xmas night out is looming.

So Proraso again; but the emollient Sandalwood this time. Paired up with the G8 and Proline combo to give a nice 3 pass number and finished off with the Sandalwood after shave.

Soap - Proraso Sandalwood
Brush - RazoRock Plissoft 24mm BC
Face lather
Razor - Schick Injector G8
Blade - Proline B
Post - Thayer's Rose Petal and Aloe Vera
After shave - Proraso Sandalwood
Smell - Floris No.89 EdT