SOTD Saturday 9th December 2017 - Friday 15th December 2017

@wooky114 , how did you get on with the razor?
First was a couple of strokes on setting 3, then I turned it up to 5 to complete the first pass and see how aggressive/efficient the razor was and it knocked off the growth effortlessly. Then to see how efficient the combo was, went back to setting 3 but went against the grain - no weepers or issues and was left with a shave good enough for a day in the office. Went across the grain on the third pass on setting 1 and ended up with an excellent shave (probably my best to date) and the face feel was superb.

So after the first shave I'm impressed with the Rex and more than happy with the purchase.

I'll try it again tomorrow with a Personna Med Prep and the shave after that with a Wilkinson Sword to see how different blades work in the Rex.
Pre: Warm water face wash
Brush: Omega 20102 Boar
Soap: PAA Solstice
Razor: Gem MMOC
Blade: Schick NOS '70s?
Post: Warm then cold water rinse, Floid Balsamo

A wonderful shave to end the week with. I'm very impressed with this blade.
My skin's smoother than, the spiel which temptingly falls from the lips of a unscrupulous *estate agent.

*Other salespersons are applicable.

Pre: Valobra Glycerlanolina soap, Castle Forbes Pre-shave
Brush: Semogue Owners Club Boar
Soap: Lea Classic (tallow formula)
Razor: UFO Goliath / ATT S1
Blade: Vintage Gillette Spoiler (1)
Post: Myrsol Emulsion
Splash: APR Aqua Di Sydney

For the first time in ages, I used a pre-shave other than Myrsol Emulsion, giving the Castle Forbes a go. It is a different beast altogether; water soluble with no scent. It is a product that your skin and whiskers absorb (by design), whilst the Emulsion leaves a slick layer that lasts after application. This doesn't necessarily mean it is superior - the products work in different ways.
Lathered up with good old Lea tallow, and just for good measure, added a wee bit of Lea Classic shaving cream. As expected, lather exploded from my SOC boar; I had enough for 4 or 5 passes if needed.
I was surprised at the efficiency of the Spoiler - I was comparing it directly to the Super Silver, and I was noticeably closer after the second pass. This came at a cost, with a few weepers on the trouble spots (steel wire bristles) on my neck, indicating a touch too much pressure. All gone by the third pass, and I was grinning and congratulating myself on a BBS shave. However, when I applied the Emulsion post-shave, I detected a couple of spots where I could feel very slight growth, so I must call it as a DFS+.
The Aqua Di Sydney was a delightful finishing touch. The aftershaves from Australian Private Reserve (APR) have very complex scents and the strength of a light cologne - they last for 4 hours on my skin.
I was at the Test Match yesterday, and another engrossing day's play today. Two excellent knocks from Bairstow and Malan. The match is finely balanced; let's hope the (unseasonable) rain holds off on Sun/Mon.
Great post, Iain.
Fri 15th December
RazoRock Syn. 22mm
Mongoose B3
Schick Proline ( 4 )
Alum Rub / Rinse off
Jaguar Prestige A/S lotion

Am wondering if a polished Razor performs better than one with a satin finish, as today's Shave was extremely smooth, compared with one with a satin finish earlier in the week. Am now not too sure which one I might get rid of.

Such a shame that the Cade Soap is not being produced as it really helped today's Shave, which was probably the best one I have had with a variety of Razors in the last week.Really should try out one of my lighter AC/SE Razors before moving on to Injectors.

Friday 15th December 2017

Pre Shave: Hot Shower + L'Oreal Birch Sap Face Wash and Proraso White
Razor: iKon SBS + Windrose Handle
Blade: Gillette Super Thin (#2)
Brush: Vie Long Horse Hair
Cream: Musgo Oak Moss
Post: Alum Block, Cold water and Thayers Lavender Witch Hazel
AS: Nivea soothing balm

The Gillette Super Thin is a nice sharp and smooth blade which works well in the SBS, nice result and only 2 passes required.