SOTD Saturday 9th December 2017 - Friday 15th December 2017

SOTD 151217

Blade: Schick #3
Razor: Pal adjustable
Brush: Omega Barber Handle Synthetic
Soap: P&B Albion
Post: Alum and P&B Unscented Balm
EDT: Joop

My third go with the PAL adjustable and it just gets better and better. Set to the "R" position (The most aggressive) I had a wonderful 3 pass BBS shave with no irritation.
A smooth, easy to manoeuvre, well balanced and extremely well built razor.

Omega brush worked well face lathering but if I had to chose a synthetic then Razorock and I would even go as far to say Yaqi performs better. YMMV.
P&B Albion always creates a luscious rich lather. Beautiful scent and loads of slip n slide.

Completed my shave with alum that gave me no feedback, a small application of balm and a generous helping of Joop.

Enjoy your shaves!

Great to read you are still enjoying the PAL. Great photo too.
Beautifully constructed pic Pat.

Go on then, give us your initial findings on that gorgeous brush.

Thank you Wayne,kind of you to say.

RE the Stirling Boar,it's still early in the game although I am impressed with the quality of the handle,i really like the shape too. After a few test lathers I decided to give the Stirling it's debut on S.O.T.D and i've noticed that a few hairs have started to spit already. I think this brush and I are going to get along just fine.

Keep this to yourself and don't tell the others,I have another on the way
I wont tell a soul Pat. You know you can trust me.

The brush certainly looks the part.
Enjoy it mate and have a lovely weekend.
SOTD: 15/12/2017

Prep: warm shower
Razor: Muhle R41 Head with Weber Bullodog handle
Blade: Rapira Swedish Supersteel 5th use
Brush: Simpson Special Best Badger
Soap: Tabac
Post-shave: warm water, cold water, Thayers Witch Hazel Lavender, Tabac Aftershave Balm

I have a spreadsheet to keep track of the soaps and creams in my rotation but forgot to check it for this morning, and couldn't be bothered switching the laptop on so decided to use a soap which has really grown on me recently. YMMV but IMO the scent of Tabac is fantastic. Top notch performance leading to a 3 pass BBS shave. In fact, I believe this is going to be used more regularly on my rotation. I'm very happy.
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