SOTD : Saturday 7th April - Friday 13th April 2018.

Really want a Hone in my collection, nice looking razor.
Thank you J for your reply.
It seems this soap has divided the group of people who have used it but that's no real surprise, all soap along with most other thing's are to be seen as YMMV and this is no exception.
Have a great weekend . P.
I have the rose, and found it tricky to lather at first. For this and other soaps, I find this the best way to get a excellent lather. Cover the soap with warm water and leave for a minute. Do not drain. Let your brush soak up the water and swirl it around the soap container and you will soon load your brush ready to face lather. The scent seems to get better as time goes on.
SOTD - Wednesday 25 April 2018

  • Safety Razor: Edwin Jagger - R35611SR - Ebony / Nickle plated
  • Blade: Polsilver - Super Iridium
  • Shaving Brush: Edwin Jagger - Ebony / Nickle plated (Pure Badger)
  • Shaving Bowl: Edwin Jagger - ND46
  • Shaving Cream: Taylor Of Old Bond Street - Eton College
  • Fragrance: Taylor Of Old Bond Street - No 74 Victorian Lime
Thank's for the tip but I've never had problems lathering any soap's especially LPL, I have never have found the need to bloom the soap with water, just show it a damp brush and lather up.
I understand everyone has different methods of lathering soap and you should do what you think is necessary.
P .