SOTD Saturday 5th - Friday 11th August

Where did you get the SV aftershave from? I love the Stelll Alpina, well I love them all if truth be told

I got it (along with the soap) second hand via FaceBook BST, pretty sure both ShaveLounge & ShavingStation have it in stock though.

SV are consistently good, I've tried 6 of their products now and don't have a bad word to say about any of them... Well, the wooden bowl/dish isn't the best design ever as soapy water gets under the plastic dish but apart from that
Thank you, I will check out both of the places you mentioned.
Friday 4th August 2017

Pre Shave: Hot Shower + L'Oreal Pure Power Face Wash and Proraso White
Razor: Timeless 0.95 OC base plate with scalloped cap
Blade: Polsilver Stainless (Lodz) (#1)
Brush: Maseto 30mm 2 band finest fan shape
Soap: Czech & Speake - Oxford and Cambridge
Post: Alum Block, Cold water and Humphreys Witch Hazel
AS: Finest - Platinum

That was probably the best DE shave I have ever had. It was certainly the closest.
Saturday Pm.

Man Cave Olivestone Facial Scrub
3P Preshave Cream
Proraso Sandalwood Soap
Omega 10065 Boar Brush
Supply SE loaded with a personna blade (#?)
Alum Block and rinse
Proraso Liquid Cream Balm
Proraso Sandalwood AS

A relaxing shave as part of my 'wind-down' after an extremely challenging long day. I love the smell of the Proraso Red, and the Omega has become a rather nice little brush. 3 Passes for a BBS shave

26mm 2-band badger.
Ever ready 1912.
Wickham 1912 Club Cola.
BBA Post Shave Balm.
Tremonia Meißner Natural Bay Rum.
Penhaligon's Sartorial.

Nice and tidy for my friend's wedding. Weather brightened up after some initial rain and it was a great service and after party. MT Bay Rum felt and smelled great! Felt awesome to be suited and booted! No pic today sorry folks!
The Every Ready 1912 must be the way to go for that special occasion.
The best razor I have used to date.
What's your thoughts on the "Club Cola?"

I am so pleased you have had a great day.
Take care,
The Every Ready 1912 must be the way to go for that special occasion.
The best razor I have used to date.
What's your thoughts on the "Club Cola?"

I am so pleased you have had a great day.
Take care,
It was a good one but I was a bit hurried so didn't get the full benefit it smells lush and has slickness up the ol' wazzoo! Very nice soap!

Cheers Wayne hope yours was good too!
All the best!