SOTD Saturday 5th - Friday 11th August

Greetings All,

Two shaves to report.

Thursday shave.

One days' growth and warm shave

Preparation – face washed with Clique Liquid facial soap (mild)

Pre: Prorosa White pre-share
Soap: Razorock X
Razor: Rockwell 6C (3P)
Blade: Shark (4th)
Brush:RazoRock 400 Noir

Post Shave: Cold water rinse followed by a shower then Proraso aftershave lotion (red) and Nivea 2 Phase.

Not sure why more peeps do not have Razorock X in their dens. LOVELY scent and the slickness superb. Overall a great smooth shave – could not be happier – or could I. . .

Saturday shave.

Two days' growth and warm shave

Preparation – face washed with Clique Liquid facial soap (mild)

Pre: Prorosa White pre-share
Soap: P&B Citra Royale
Razor: Rockwell 6C (4P)
Blade: Shark (5th)
Brush:Omega Proraso boar brush

Post Shave: Cold water rinse followed by a shower then Proraso aftershave lotion (red) and Nivea 2 Phase.

Well, well. . . WELL!!

I thought my Thursday shave was good, then I just finished shaving – WOW. GREAT soap, slick and protective. The brush whipped up a good lather and the 4P Rockwell 6C with my Shark blade was super-doper. 3 passes, and no need (yes no need) for any touch ups. BBS and ready for my evening out with the wife.

Saturday 5th August
Zenith 507 TS
De Vergulde Hand
The General
Schick Proline #5
Alum wash
Selin Lemon Cologne
Lisseáu Coconut Body Butter

I found after the first shave with the General, I was stubble free for much longer proving just how close it was. So another stupendous shave with trusted ingredients was really enjoyed. The blade showing no signs of waning.

Really looking forward to the next.
Sat 5th August

RazoRock Syn. 22mm
Faena Sandalwood
General Alu.
Kai Captain Pink [ 1 ]
Alum Rub/Rinse off
Massimo Dutti A/S Lotion

Got off to a poor start today, when I found that the Schick Proline in the Razor was not performing after only 6 outings. Had to rinse face of lather, and reload with a fresh blade. Chose the Kai Pink which I had not used for some Time.

Once the Shave was started I felt that in the General this blade felt a little more aggressive than the Proline, which really seems to work well for me in most Razors. Still had an uneventful Shave,with a more than acceptable close all round finish finish.


Two Pass Shaving Routine..

Hot Water Prep & Massage with Argan Oil
Herder Constant Solingen Full Hollow 6/8th
Fitchard Pure Badger
Valobra Tallow Soap
Humphreys Witch Hazel
Logona Mann Balm

I Had a Wonderful Shave Today with My Herder Solingen 6/8th..I Feel that I Can Do No wrong with the Herder.This Auld Herder has One Keen Surgical Black Arkansas Edge & a Very Smooth & Forgiving Shaver..My Skin is as Polished as a Pair of Guardsman's Drill Boots..Shiny & Shiny..

I Am Dolphin Smooth & Refreshed..

Crackin' brush there, Billy.