SOTD : Saturday 3th - Friday 9th August 2019

Tuesday AM 2019-08-06

Moss Anniversary Slate scuttle
Rooney Polo 2 Ivory Finest (28/60)
Eleven Organic Sweet Orange shaving soap
Wolfman WR1-SB Titanium/WRH7 Ti
Wilkinson 'Light Brigade' (8)
Hemingway Accoutrements aftershave

The soap has a moderately strong, fresh, sweet orange scent with just a touch of tangerine. It easily made good lather that had excellent cushion but just fair slickness, with some dragging of the razor at the end of each pass, but it was not drying. Definitely worth trying again on another warm morning.
Do you have a favourite out of the Stainless and the Brass General Frankie ?

All 3 Colonial SE razors are great, but I favour the brass General by a small margin. It's just as efficient as the stainless and aluminium one , yet I find it more comfortable in use than the others. I've managed to nick myself once or twice with the stainless General, but never with the brass one.

If I had to put them in order of preference it would be
  1. Brass
  2. Aluminium
  3. Stainless
I'm not that fond of the stock handles though, as their grip is not very good,. I use aftermarket handles with them.

Thank you kind sir.

I've managed to get my hands on the AdP shaving cream which will is literally the cream on the cake for this set up.
Tuesday SOTD

Body Shop Maca Root Cream
Zenith Synthetic
Game Changer .84
Voskhod (2)
Proraso Green ASL

While I like the feel of the shave with my Game Changer, it just doesn't give as close a finish as my Timeless .68 or my 6C.
Three passes to get the result I would get in two with the other razors.
I'll likely retire it for now and use it in my travel set up.
Maca Root always delivers and isn't fussy with regards to how much water I add.
Finished with Proraso Green Aftershave Lotion. I just love the menthol tingle from this superb aftershave
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Thank you Frankie
Haven't done a SOTD lately but this was my morning shave. Went a bit OTT:

1. Acqua di Parma face scrub (I don't endorse this - I bought it s/h. Overpriced for what it is)
2. Myrsol Emulsion as a pre-shave
3. TOBS Avacado bowl lathered (I've been face lathering lately so this was the first time in ages)
4. Gillette Slim @9 w/Feather(2)
5. Myrsol Blue AS
6. L'Occitane Cade Balm
7. Acqua di Parma Essenza