SOTD Saturday 3rd September - Friday 9th September

off on a long weekend to oslo so to minimise my shaving im growing a weekend beard shaped the whiskers today using: 1912 ever-ready, GEM stainless *8, kabuki synthetic, TOBS coconut, homemade bayrum a/s, bayrum infused aloe vera gel. took about 5 minutes
SOTD Friday 9th September 2016. Good morning to one and all.

Prep..shower with MWF soap
Pre..bloom water
Razor..ATT H2 fitted with 16mm handle
Blade..Gillette 7o clock yellow#1 pro boar
Soap..P&B Sanskrit
Post..Thayers AF WH
EDP...Obssesion Celvin kline

A beautiful shave this morning, the soap was thick and slick, the H2 mowed though the stubble with ease leaving me with an extremely close and nick free shave.
Finnished off with my usual splash of witch hazel followed by a spray or two of Obssesion on my pulse points. Ready for the day.

Wishing you all a fabulous Friday. Over and out.
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OK, first SOTD entry
SOTD Friday the 9th of September.

No pictures I'm afraid, wife might wonder why the camera is snapping in the bathroom with the door closed at 5:50am!

Prep: Shower
Soap: Arko soap stick
Razor: Edwin Jagger DE89
Blade: Supermax Super Plantium
Brush: Omega 49 Bristle
Post: Cold rinse, alum block, cold rinse, Nivea Cool Ice Gel
Aftershave: Ferrari Black

First time use of both the blade and soap. From YT video of the Arko I applied directly to my hydrated face and then face lathered with the brush. The lather was good and slick for the first pass but unfortunately the second pass it was failing and the third pass it was very weak off the brush. I might need to work on it. The soap is neutral in smell which isn't particularly bad but equally didn't add anything to the party either.

The blade was not exactly what I'd hoped for. It's the first time I've experienced a tug (although I admit only once in todays shave) and didn't think it particularly smooth. That said however the results where probably the best I've had in my short DE shaving career so far. Whether this is me getting better technique or the blade we'll have to see!

Friday 9th September 2016
Prep: Shower
Razor: Treet 1912 Baton Handle
Blade: GEM Blue Star Carbon
Brush: L'Occitane Plisson
Soap: Tabac Stick
Aftershave: Astral Cream (soft)
EDP: Miller Harris Le Fumee

Le Fumee was the last of my Miller Harris eight testers and the only one that I already had hence the bottle. It may be that I was just lucky but Le Fumee was given to me by my son and it is the only one of the eight on trial that seems to have any real longevity, he said he choose it blind!

I have tested:- Rose en Noir, Noix de Tubereuse, La Pluie, L'Air de Rien, Terre d'Iris, Le Petit Grain, Fuilles de Tabac,and Le Fumee. They are all really well thought out beautiful fragrances let down by their lack of longevity and sillage; Le Fumee being the exception. I actually like Terre D'Iris the most mainly because it is so very different and has notes in it I have not encountered before in male fragrances. As I have mentioned before it may be the case that I lack subtlety and own and use several "in your face" fragrances thus sophisticated fragrances are beyond my experience.


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In my short DE shaving career i've followed the common sense approach to DE shaving, good preparation to the face ,learning your technique and no pressure to the razor and enjoy the shaving experience
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Fri 9th Sept.

Vulfix 404 mixed
PAL Adjustable
Schick S/S NOS Super Krona [ 2- Canada ]
Alum Rub/Rinse off
Floid Vigoroso A/S Lotion

Today had another PAL Adjustable shave , this one being loaded with an NOS Blade. My initial impressions of this blade were confirmed on this second outing. Compared with other blades I have
used in the PAL, this was quite harsh and despite working quite hard the shave quality was poor. It could be me, but I will not be renewing my acquaintance with this blade in the future ,and may indeed pass them on to someone who might find them of interest.

Congrats on your first SOTD piece, a good write up.