SOTD Saturday 3rd September - Friday 9th September

Tremendous methaphor. I'm reminded of antiquaries such as M. R. James sitting in old libraries, redolent of leather armchairs telling ghost stories to a select audience.
Beautiful razor.
It certainly is good stuff for the reasons you state. Tempted to try the vetivers and the American blend.
SOTD 7th September 2016. Good morning shaving room.

Prep..Shower MWF bath soap
Pre..bloom water
Razor..Hone type 15a
Blade..Astra SP #1 pro boar
Soap...OSP Spice road
Post..Thayers AF WH
EDP...oud 24 hours

My last day with the 15a today, will start using my other razors from tomorrow.

Nice relaxing shower using that oh so creamy MWF soap...lovely.
Bloom water rubbed into stubble and whipped up the OSP into a fantastic lather, Astra fitted and ready for a good shave.
Three passes plus a little clean up and I was as smooth as required and feeling good, finishing with a splash of witch hazel followed by a spray or two of Oud 24 hrs on my pulse points. Ready for the day once again.

Wishing you all a wonderful Wednesday . Over and out.
Pre shave oil,
Maca Root shaving cream,
Merkur Futur on 3,
Wilkinson sword blade (3)
Thayers witch hazel,
Lucky Tiger,
Nivea Men

Last nights shave was awful, and I am too inexperienced to know what went wrong, the first pass went ok, as did the second, but by the third, irritation had set in, so much so that I gave up, so by the time I had finished, I had a face like a baboons arse,
the only thing i had changed from the last shave, is the shaving cream, though it seemed a lovely cream,

my only ideas, are that maybe the blade had dulled, and I had put more pressure on the razor, either that or it's something in the maca root, up until then I have been using Proraso white,

fortunately it has calmed down by this morning.
I'm sorry your shave didn't go so well, it may well have been the blade, I always use a blade twice only so never have problems with them going dull.
Try again with the same gear but with a new blade and that should let you know what was wrong.
IMHO emit the Maca root cream, your skin type could disagree with certain component's in the don't want your face looking like a baboons arse every time you have a 3 pass shave..stick with what has gave you good results up to now.Regards.