SOTD : Saturday 3rd February - Friday 9th February 2018.

Pleased to read you are enjoying the 1912 @TomG

Keep up the good work mate.
Monday 5th February

Olive Oil Soap and RSC Facial Scrub
Somersets Shave Oil (Pre Shave)
TOBS Coconut Shaving Cream
Omega S10083 Synthetic Brush
Kai Captain Excelia (Japanese Style) with a Proline-P
Giles Shaving Co. Bowl
Alum Block and rinse
Benjamins Bay Rum

Not a shave I enjoyed. Everything was OK until my little dog barrelled into me....resulting in a cut n a cheekbone
Stopped after 2 passes. 10 hrs on and it would appear that it wasn't too bad as a shave......just no feel good factor.
I think tomorrow will be a mild shave to allow proper healing

That's good news and I am pleased to have been proved wrong!


Thanks for the info Paul.

  • Straight Razor: Saponificio Varesino - Leonardo da Vinci - Custom Koraat 6/8
  • Shaving Brush: Saponificio Varesino - 2.0 - Faux Horn (High Mountain White)
  • Shaving Bowl: Saponificio Varesino - Shaving Grail Bowl
  • Shaving Soap: PannaCrema - Nuàvia Nera
Monday 5th February 2018
Pre Shave: Hot Shower + Body Shop Maca Root face wash and Proraso Green
Razor: Occam's 3 dot plate/cap
Blade: Feather Soft Guard (#3)
Brush: Proraso Boar
Soap: Proraso Boar
Bowl: Korium
Post: Alum Block, Cold water and Humphreys Witch Hazel
AS: Alcolado Glacial

Feeling a cold coming on so a touch of menthol seemed in order. Some months ago I told myself I had had it with these Feather Soft Guard blades, I had never managed to get on with them. Being a bit of hoarder I found these the other day while adding some new Schick Prolines to the blade stash box. I wondered how these might work in the Occam's, it being a bit different with it's floating blade, which incidentally you can stop by bending the blade a bit before insertion.

Well I have to say I was pleasantly surprised, while not a super smooth feeling shave, there was none of the awful tugging I felt with this blade in other razors. The finish was nice and close, it took 3 passes but no irritation, it did feel a bit mild and ineffective at first but clearly it was doing the job. I will try swapping to the more aggressive 3 dot plate/cap for my next shave.