SOTD : Saturday 30th December 2017 - Friday 5th January 2018.

Shave of the day, December 31, 2017. The last of the year. Happy shaved in 2018 friends.
Soap and after shave Tabac, brush manchurian badger of 1-year anniversary of the SCNHG forum of Javier el Druida, handle UFO Titan XL by Rafael Sánchez, with open head comb. Vintage gillete New Regent 1930, rapira blade (1). Excellent result, rating 5/5.

Sent from the Wolf's Den
Sunday 31st December
Yaqi Sagrada Familia
OSP Fougere
Giles Scuttle
Ever Ready Streamline
GEM S/S C #6
Alum Wash
Brut Original A/S
Lacura Moisturiser

My last shave of 2017, and my goodness what a cracker it was. The Giles scuttle, or as my wife calls it "The upside down Turtle" produced the most luxurious OSP lather and the Streamline scythed through a 3 day growth with ease.
Here's to a very peaceful 2018.​
Date: 01 January 2018

Happy New Year

Pre-shave: - Cold Water straight from the tap
Brush: - Maseto Extra Density 2 Band Finest Badger 24/54mm knot
Soap/Cream: - Mitchell's Wool Fat
Bowl: - Captain's Choice
Razor: - GEM Micromatic Bullet Tip
Blade: - GEM Personna SS PTFE Coated #1
Post-shave: - Thayers Witch Hazel / Lucky Tiger Aftershave & Face Tonic
Fragrance: - Dolce&Gabbana Pour Homme

This is my very first shave with a GEM Micromatic Bullet Tip SE.... All I can say is WOW!! very very smooth shave far better than the Colonial Razors the General, I should've got the GEM Micromatic Bullet Tip years ago. Getting tricky shaving WTG above my lip under the nose so I have to go XTG on the first pass, because the head is very tricky around the nose area.

Question to all GEM lovers.. Do you flip the blade over after each shave or do you just leave the blade in the GEM, how many per shaves can the GEM blade reach to the maximum before it's start tugging I just need a rough idea of a total number.

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I do not flip the Blade.Have got up to 8, but now just go to 5 as the blades are quite reasonably
priced, I stocked up 2 years ago and am down to 598
Nice tunes there, Rob.

Pre: Valobra Glycerlanolina soap, Castle Forbes Pre-shave gel
Brush: Semogue Owners Club Boar
Soap: Valobra Cologne
Razor: UFO Goliath / Colonial General SE
Blade: Feather Pro
Post: Myrsol Emulsion
EdT: Caron Yatagan

My first crack at a SE razor, thanks to a generous loan from a fellow wet-shaver. The Valobra lather was predictably excellent, and off I went. First pass WTG was smooth and efficient - I could certainly detect that the razor/blade combo was very efficient. The second (XTG) pass gave me some minor grief on my troublesome neck whiskers, with a few weepers. Maybe a pressure thing. I could feel that I was very close after two passes - about the same as two passes with my ATT R2 open comb plate. The third pass was more comfortable, and I was very impressed with the buffing performance of this razor.
Pretty much BBS, and a glowing post shave feel. Looking forward to the next shave!
New Year's Day 2018

Olive Oil Soap
RSC Facial Scrub
Vitos Preshave Cream
Valobra Shave Stick
Shavemac in Finest Badger
Dovo 5/8 Special Razor
Alum Block and Rinse
4711 AS

3 passes for a wonderful BBS start to the New Year.
This year I intend to run down the stocks of blades and soaps which I already have. My only expenditure ( I hope) will be to have my collection of straight razors returned to optimum condition!

May I wish you all a 'Good' 2018.I always believe 'Happy' to be a little optimistic !

Glad you like the Gem. I never leave blades in any of my razors. I remove them when rinsing off lather before patting them dry and storing. I'm also not disciplined enough to remember whether I've turned them over.

Having regard to the number of shaves, the thicker Gem blades last longer than DE , generally. I can get 7-8 decent shaves from one. YMMV, though.

Monday 1st January 2018
Prep: Shower
Razor: Schick L1 Injector
Blade: Schick Chinese
Brush: Muhle Synthetic XL
Soap: D.R. Harris Marlborough Stick
Aftershave: Simple Moisteriser
EDP: Gres Cabochard

Wishing each and every one of you a very happy and healthy new year.
P.S. Make sure you get to your local supermarket early in the morning....there could be a run on Easter eggs!

Best Regards

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