SOTD : Saturday 25th April - Friday 01 May 2020

Well I watched Goldfinger earlier in the week and decided to reach for the 1964 Gillette Adjustable. This one is a J1 and in really nice condition cased. Sean sports a Slim himself in the movie so it has to be good! Loaded up with a GSB.

Today's soap B&M Tuesday. I love lavender scents and this one is super nice. There is some violet in the scent notes also and together they are just excellent. Great soap.

Lovely three pass BBS shave. Slim on 4 the whole way so lovely and mild from start to finish. Topped it off with some Gucci Pour Homme which has some violet in the top notes so it complements everything else quite well. Some smoke and wood in there too. Enjoy the day and stay safe!

Rating: 5 / 5

Razor: Gillette Adjustable - Slim 1964
Blade: Gillette Silver Blue
Brush: Simpson Chubby 1
Lather: Barrister & Mann Tuesday
Aftershave: Barrister & Mann Tuesday
Additional Care:
B.I.G. Co. Alum Block
Gucci Pour Homme
Good evening all.

Pre. Hot shower with Italian Rose Soap for face.

Brush. Omega Boar.

Razor. Rockwell 6S (R3).

Blade. Astra SP (4)

Soap. Signature Soap Eboracum (Sample).

Post. Cold water splash followed by Barts

Peppermint Oil Balm.

Well I arrived home from work today and was happy to receive a kindly hand delivered sample of @BrianH Signature Soap Eboracum from the very generous @Bocie83

So, now the sun seems to have departed muggings here decided to have his first menthol shave.
This soap is great, a little goes a long way and the scent is just right.
I've only had my Rockwell for a couple of weeks now and I seem to be getting to grips with it on the R3 plate. It does give a satisfying noise ( is that the correct term) after a few days growth.
After a quick cold rinse it was @BartsBalm peppermint oil to finish.

Many thanks for the delivery Chris and I shall be buying this soap from @BrianH when the sun decides to make a prolonged comeback.

Have a great evening everyone. Keep smiling.

Sorry for typo. Hand delivered by the very generous @Boycie83
After the usual 1-2 minute hot towel prep:

1930 gold Criterion Deluxe/Iridium Super
ebony handle 2 band made by Sir Brian
J. Peterman 1903 Shaving cream
Lucky Tiger after shave and face tonic
Jacomo de Jacomo EdT (vintage 90% strength)

Man, I am very glad this razor was bought. Originally I saw the set while cruising a large antique store's aisles and asked for an assistant to take it out of the glass display case. Overall it looked to be in good shaving condition and the price was reasonable. What held me back at first was the memory of last using a Deluxe head many years ago, which was unpleasant! More bite than any other US made Gillette open comb and not a good fit. Took some time for my effective rationalizing to finally have the last say, happily this time.

Anyway, the darn thing's in the rotation now. Way too much blade feel and attention needed for a daily driver but fun and 90 years old!

The 1903 scent reminds me of a classy Limey kinda thing. Mellow and refined....maybe an oakmoss in there somewhere. Not quite a top tier cream, but held it's own against the Deluxe.

BBS results, (and no place needed to visit for anything),

Glad you liked it. Kind of @Boycie83 and shows the spirit of TSR members
I have a gold Gillette Adjustable J3, It never occurred to me as being the same year as the Goldfinger Razor. Although his wasn't gold. I'm a massive fan as well. I've never used the Razor! I paid about £5.00 for it off eBay, I was advertised in the wrong section, pure luck! It arrived, looking unused with a pack of unopened blades.
Date:- 29 April 2020

Pre-shave:- Cold Water straight from the tap
Bowl/Scuttle:- Captain's Choice
Brush:- WCS Two-Tone Tall (Blue & White) Extra Dense Synth. 26/56mm knot
Soap/Cream:- Declaration Grooming ~ After the Rain
Razor/Blade:- Rockwell 6C-R3 / Rapira Platinum Lux #2
Post/After-shave:- T.N. Dickinson Witch Hazel Astringent mixed into the 240ml bottle with Natural Glycerin (20 drops) & Tea Tree Antiseptic (10)
This most wonderful of shaves came complete with the theme 'The Emperors new beans'

Magic beans - Ikon B1
Pinto beans - Polsilver Lodz
Hairy beans - Razorock 400
Garbanzo beans - Razorock Emperor soap
Velvet beans - Nivea moisturiser
TOTD (Tin of the day) - Tesco baked beans in tomato sauce

I cannot for the sake of me remember which kind forum member sent me the tub of Razorock Emperor, but after a life living in a drawer, out it came and what a belting soap it has turned out to be. Great scent, easy to use though needs a little blooming and great everything else.

Note to self (and my Japanese lady fans) : Use more often

Ikon B1? A God of Bristle bashing. Amazingly with a new out of the pack blade no weepers, cuts, nicks or limbs missing. My ears appear to be intact.

A most bodacious wonderful shave and the fan club are out in force to share their reactions
You're my Japanese girl (Well the girly part of the band are)

Be safe and healthy everyone and for fucks sake don't drink bleach
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