SOTD Saturday 24th September - Friday 30th

SOTD: 29th September 2016.

Shaving recipe for today.
  • warm shower:/ Wingman (Jetfuel) multi-gel jetwash / warm wet flannel to my face.
  • Razor: Muhle R89 .
  • Blade:Astra Superior Platinum. (new)
  • Brush: Semogue 1438.
  • Cream: Palmolive Classic + 4 drops of Glycerin in the mixing bowl.
  • Warm wet flannel/ cold wet flannel to rinse my face.
  • Post:Alum/ Witch Hazel/Lucky Tiger Aftershave & Face Tonic.
  • A/S: Floid Mentholado Suave.
  • My shaving set up for today, is one of my favourite's.the palmolive classic cream is such a excellent "Classic"cream...another wonderful effortless 3 pass+ pick up's silky smooth shave, finished superbly with lucky tiger & Floid aftershave..a classic duo that has been in production for 80 + year's..good things last...enjoy your day,gentlemen.
Pre: Shower and Bloom
Soap: P&B SanSkrit
Razor: Merkur Futur
Blade: New Gillette Nacet
Post: Witch Hazel, Nivea Cold Kick gel
AS: Pinaud Clubman

I was going to wait for the weekend to try my new razor out but just couldn't wait! Not used an adjustable before so thought I'd dial in 3 for the WTG pass, 2 for XTG and 1 for the ATG pass.

I was amazed at the audible feedback from the razor, really nice. I didn't have any real problems with the size of the head and had no issues at all getting under my nose area. The only thing I will say about the head is when you're focused on using just a small part of it for a tricky area to tend to forget about the other end is flailing about!

I think 3 was a little over ambitious, 2 would have been smoother and I'm a little sore but not painfully so. 1 for the ATG pass was a lot smoother than the EJ89L or Tech.

It's a close shave and now I have 3 razors to rotate, 4 once the GEM SE blades arrive for my 1912!

It's Friday Eve folks!
Morning all
Maca Root Body Shop cream
Muhle R41
Semogue 820
Gillette silver blue(#1)
Proraso a/s & balm
First time with the Maca Root, as creams go, this is very good. Pleasant scent, thick lather & very slick, no doubt about that. No sting at all from the a/s so protection obviously good too. Two passes all done!
Have a smashing day!
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Looking forward to your review of the 1912.