SOTD Saturday 24th September - Friday 30th

SOTD Saturday 24th September 2916. Good morning one and all.

Prep..Shower, MWF bath soap
Pre.. Bloom water
Soap..OSP Barber shop pro boar
Razor..Gillette Fat boy 1960
Blade..Gillette Nacet #1
Post..Thayers lavender AF WH
AS..Old Spice. Shulton

An easy weekend shave with no drarmas, razor,soap and blade worked in perfect harmony leaving me smooth and refreshed.

Wishing you all a fab weekend, over and out.
Pre: Shower and bloom water
Soap: OSP Spice Road
Weapon: Gillette Tech
Ammo: Shark Super Stainless
Post: Cold rinse and Alum block
AS: Pinuad Clubman

First go with the Spice Road and the Shark blade. Soap excellent, blade bad.

I never felt it at the time but ended up with what I can only describe as a graze under my chin. How I never felt this and still feel the tiniest of nicks is beyond me. Won't be using the rest.

Anyone wondering on getting the Spice Road then I'd recommend. If you hate aniseed don't bother but otherwise go for it. Lathers brilliant and its so rich and dense.

I'm off to care for my wounds. "Medic!"
Sat 24th Sept

RazoRock Plissoft 22mm
Haslinger Honey Soap
PAL Injecto Matic
Schick single [ 7- Japan ]
Alum Rub/Rinse off
Tuff Green A/S lotion

Continuing the shaves with a PAL , need to use blade up. Have a feeling that this blade still has a way to go, as this morning`s shave was still smooth and comfortable, with the usual close finish that this razor delivers.

A new soap to me,quite surprised that despite its small size I was able to start lathering up on the top of the
puck without difficulty, and continue face lathering as usual. Smell pleasant but not overpowering ,nice rich lather.

SOTD: Saturday 24th September 2016.

Shaving recipe for today.
  • warm shower./ Imperial Leather Peppermint & Eucalyptus Shower Gel / warm wet flannel to my face.
  • Razor: Muhle R89 .
  • Blade:Astra Superior Platinum. (new)
  • Brush: Semogue 1438.
  • Cream:Ingram Menthol + 4 drops of Glycerin in mixing bowl.
  • Warm wet flannel/ cold wet flannel to rinse my face.
  • Witch Hazel/ Alum/ Arko (Fresh) Aftershave Balm.
  • Post:Alcolado Glacial Mentholated Splash.
  • Menthol,Eucalyptus & Peppermint face freeze saturday morning kick! ..a new razor, blade & brush set up to start the weekend off nicely, the post shave feeling from the Alcolado splash.has really woke me up!.a nice cool 3 pass + pick ups silky smooth shave, with no error's to report. my R89 and Astra SP blade are a wonderful match..excellent enjoy your day,Gentlemen.
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Those shark blades are really sharp!, get some savlon on that'll heal in few days..Remember, technique no pressure and no rushing your shave...Regards.
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There's been some forum traffic about Gillette Nacet blades, so I thought I'd try one...

Pre-shave: Glyce soap wash / Myrsol Emulsion pre-shave cream
Shave: Phoenix & Beau Sanskrit / Unbranded synthetic brush / EJDE89/Braveheart Hybrid + Gillette Nacet (1)
Post-shave: Coal Tar soap wash / Cold water rinse + Alum / Proraso Green AS splash / Nivea Sensitive balm

The Nacet is a really good blade - instantly up there with my favourites: Voskhod and Personna. Really smooth 2-pass shave, no irritation or burn. Highly recommended! Have a good day!
Valobra Stick
Cadman L7 Synthetic
ATT SE1 / Feather Pro (2)
Organic Aloe Vera Gel

2nd shave with newly acquired ATT SE1/Feather Pro blade. Comfortable, close and drama-free shave. In fact the result is very similar to my Mongoose loaded with a Feather Super blade.
At this point I can't say there's a clear favourite, although it's still early days with the SE1.

Have a great weekend everyone!