SOTD : Saturday 24th March - Friday 30th March 2018

Monday AM 2018-03-26

Moss Anniversary Slate scuttle
Rooney 3/3 Ebony Finest (26/66)
Cussons Imperial Leather shaving soap (vintage)
Charcoal Goods Brass L1/Triad Diamond Aluminum Antique Bronze
Personna 74 Tungsten (12)
Penhaligon's Racquets Formula aftershave (vintage)

This brush has a higher loft and slightly softer tips than most of my other Finests, making it feel much like a vintage Plisson HMW. The blade was starting to drag a little today, which is unusual for the Personna 74s; perhaps it was partially the fault of the soap, which I think has a little less cushion and glide than others in my rotation.

Happy Birthday
SOTD 26/03/18

Prep: warm shower
Razor: Merkur 38C
Blade: Boots DE
Brush: Vulfix Boar
Soap: Boots shave stick
Post: warm water, cold water, Windrose alum block, Boots Freshwood Aftershave Balm, Boots Freshwood Aftershave

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A superb shave set up!..I love the Boots freshwood duo, such a wonderful old school fragrance at a very reasonable price.
Belated birthday greetings, hope you have a wonderful day...I'll have to give my Gillette Tech some attention, i haven't used her for a while, paired up with a Gillette silver blue blade, it shave's wonderfully.Regards. B
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Monday evening

d'Ardenne Short and Bell Chambre
RazoRock Disrupter 22mm
Face lather
Fa Tip Piccolo
Personna Israeli Red
Thayer's Rose Petal and Aloe Vera
Pitralon Classic after shave

The pairing of the assertive Fa Tip and the smooth Personna works really well. I also really like this soap; a vegan one, I think. It gives a great lather and has a great scent, which is picked up really well with the Pitralon.

Evening SOTD Monday 26th.
Prep: Hot shower
Pre shave: Glyerin soap face wash
Soap: Kent
Brush: Kent VS70 boar
Razor: ER 1924
Glade: GEM
Post shave: Cold water rinse, Bart's Rosemary & Sandalwood Aftershave Lotion.

I'm using Kent soap this week with various other hardware. Today I used my newly aquired (cheers, Ben!) ER 1924. Its not as smooth as a 1912 but I knew that beforehand. It still gave a close and enjoyable shave. The Kent piggy brush had a run out today. Its improved vastly after the fridge soaking treatment. I face lathered today, the Kent brush & soap are perfect partners for this. The soap has no discernable scent but the lather/cushioning etc more than make up for it. Finished it off with @BartsBalm aftershave lotion. I just love this stuff, it feels good, smells good, is good!