SOTD Saturday 16th December 2017 - Friday 22th December 2017

~SOTD~ Tuesday 19th December

Prep ~ Shower, Olive Oil Soap
Razor ~ Kropp 8/8ths
Soap ~ Le Pere Lucien ~ Rose de Pushkar
Brush ~ Brad Sears ~ Gonzo Silvertip
Post ~ BBA Post Shave Balm
Scent ~ Creed Royal Oud

A great shave with the big chap, the soap had a delicate rose scent and lathered wonderfully. A shave as close as can be, without mishap or irritation . BBA PSB to finnish followed by a scent fit for Kings, Creed Royal Oud, a perfect way to end a perfect shave. P.

Wishing you all well....... P.
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Omega 10098
Gillette Fat Boy
Kai (1)
Phoenix and Beau Solaris
Alum Block, BBA Post Shave Balm & 4711 Nouveau Cologne

I am getting the ring of death from this soap, I might make a concerted effort in the New Year to finish it off early. First ever use of a Kai blade and it was very nice, amongst the sharpest I have used, I can't say how it compares to a Feather but tomorrow I will take the Fat Boy down from 5 to 3, a wee bit aggressive but not a bad shave at all. I have used 5 comfortably from my first use of a Fat Boy so it is down to the blade.

  • Pre-Shave: Saponificio Varesino - Oil
  • Straight Razor: Saponificio Varesino - Leonardo da Vinci - Custom Koraat 6/8
  • Shaving Brush: Saponificio Varesino - 2.0 - Faux Horn (High Mountain White)
  • Shaving Bowl: Saponificio Varesino - Shaving Grail Bowl
  • Shaving Soap: Saponificio Varesino - Mirto di Sardegna - Beta 4.3
  • After-Shave: Saponificio Varesino - Mirto di Sardegna

I think it may have been one of my posts that inspired you to give the Derby blade another try
I'm pleased you didn't get bitten this time !