SOTD Saturday 13th to Friday 19th August 2016

Good looking razor you have there.

Good stuff...what's your thoughts on the Lucky Tiger @Brad.bates ? I need to circulate with my Proraso and I've been looking at Fine etc.


Good stuff...what's your thoughts on the Lucky Tiger @Brad.bates ? I need to circulate with my Proraso and I've been looking at Fine etc.


I love it in all honesty,
I've had the bottle
Over a month and it's certainly lasting,
It makes my face soft and refreshed,
I will say It's not as moisturising as I thought it would be however it's real nice to whack straight on after a shave.
Good value for money aswell I think I paid 9 pound of Amazon and it looks like it's due to last a few more months at least.
I've been looking myself at the fine lotion,
Might give it a go once funds have refreshed at the end of the month haha
Many thanks: I've just ordered Fine Platinum and I'll drop a line in the appropriate forum ☺