SOTD: Saturday 11 February - Friday 17 February 2023

after the usual 1-2 minute hot towel prep:

Mergress/Super Iridium
BSB HMW/Klar Kabinett
Lucky Tiger after shave
Penhaligon 'Sartorial' EdT

Whew, what a great shave! Three days wortha whiskers wiped away without effort. This is an older Mergress with the multicolored (green, yellow, and red) dots and the excellent brush was a gift from the Good Doctor Dulcamera.

The soap has a subtle rose scent and lathers really easily with very nice performance and I do like the Pens EdT, which I also have in a shaving cream and soap. All in all, about the best shave possible.

BBS results,



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Merkur/Radio Knob | Gillette Platinum | Hand-carved Spalted Beech & G5C | MWF Batch 8923 | Benjamin’s Bay Rum | Puig Quorum EdT

After considerable effort and time spent with this cake of MWF, this batch is, in my opinion and to use the technical term, fecked.

It smelled fantastic whence released from the shackles of its handsome wrapper and the cake, to all appearances, looked great. No funky coating or sub-par layer. At this point I was quietly confident - after all Mitchell’s hasn’t failed me yet and I’ve used up almost two cakes in my ten year DE career.

Prior to showering, I stuck the cake to the base of the ubiquitous Mitchell’s crock pot. When ready, I got down to the business of lathering in my usual fashion and at first all seemed well. Plenty of lather started to come to life but it felt lacking in volume. To explain, it usually explodes. I doubled down my efforts and enjoyed the traditional, comforting, familiar and classic scent emanating from my toil. Hmm, is it me I wondered? Stuff it. Time to get it on me coupon. It seemed to build fine at first as I changed from swirling motions to the painting strokes of lather distribution. This is where it died on me: it dissipated relatively quickly but not as bad as the calamitous Culmak. I tried again and again to no avail and finally got on with the shave. There’s was a good amount of slickness under the thin, wispy remnants although nothing like Mitchell’s as I know it. No matter what I did or tried and regardless of the effort put in, the ruddy stuff would not issue a stable, lasting lather.

Afterwards my skin felt fine but with this razor and blade combination, I wasn’t expecting otherwise. If you whacked the razor round the old boat race very quickly, the results were almost satisfactory but as I say this isn’t how I’ve known and come to love the mighty Mitchell. I’ve never really understood others’ difficulty with this soap until today and this batch.

I’m happy to have this confirmed or denied by others of the Fatty Brotherhood.

Yours disappointedly,
Pissed off in Blighty
11 February, 2023

Prep: Hot towel
Razor: Merkur 34C HD
Blade: Polsilver S.I
Brush: New Forest Tubby 1 Finest
Soap: Los Jabones de Joserra: Charmer
Post: CeraVe moisturising lotion..
Fragrance: Baccarat Rouge 540 Extrait by Maison Francis Kurkdjian

Los Jabones de Joserra/ Merkur 34C HD/ Polsilver S.I/ Baccarat Rouge 540 Extrait .. I think I've said enough.


Head and face shave

Giles Shaving Bowl
Razor: Leaf (head)
Blade: Astra SP 1
Razor: Blackland Era (Level 4 SB) (head)
Blade: Astra SP (3)
Brush: Edwin Jagger 25mm Horn STF
Pre-Shave: Lacura Moisturising Face Wash
Lather: Mitchell’s Wool Fat
Aftershave: Hawkins & Brimble Balm
Additional Care: Witch Hazel
Fragrance: Trumpers Spanish Leather EDT
Saturday AM 2023-02-11
The first US bicycle club (Boston Bicycle Club) was formed on this date in 1878

Rooney Stubby 1 Porcelain Finest (22/45)
Penhaligon's Lords shaving soap (tallow)
Carbon Damascus Adamas
Iridium Super (12)
Dana Canoe aftershave (vintage)

If the brush was any scritchier I probably would not be able to use it. I think it defoliates my skin while it applies lather.
Three passes with the TI and what proper honing did for that razor! Touch-up done with a Fatip LO STORTO equipped with a Gillette Nacet DE blade, first time with that safety razor/blade combination and it will be hard for me to find a better pairing. The EJ Super Badger performed extremely well considering I was using shaving soap instead of cream (I prefer Boar Bristle when using soaps, the stiffer spine). The Gentlemen's Quandary capped the shave off perfectly. I can now lay down and dream of sugar plums dancing through my head or something along those lines.

Rating: 5 / 5

Razor: Thiers Issard Bucephale
Brush: Edwin Jagger Super Badger
Pre-Shave: Old School Cool Formula #1
Lather: Adriana and Evans Spartacus
Aftershave: OSC Gentlemen's Quandary
Additional Care:
OSC Gentlemen's Quandary
Hot towel
Hot Towel #2

SOTD: 12th February 2023.

Shaving recipe for today.

Prep: Warm shower:/ Asda Tingly Mint & Tea Tree Shower Gel.

Cold wet flannel to my face.
Pears with Lemon Flower Extracts Transparent Bar Soap.
Brush: Anbbas 24mm Synthetic.
Bowl Lather.
Bowl: Home Bargains Stainless Steel Side Bowl.
Razor: Merkur 39C Slant.
Blade: Ninja Stainless. (D2.)
Lather: Williams Mug Shaving Soap.

Cold water Face Wash with brush squeezing's, Cold Water Face Rinse. /Homemade (~Autumn/Winter mix~) peppermint lavender, eucalyptus, + Tea Tree essential Oils Mixed Together With 200ml of Care+Witch Hazel./ Williams Aqua Velva ASL. (Spanish Version.) / Nivea Men Replenishing PSB.


A relaxing Sunday morning shave.

Another wonderful shave where everything in the shave set up worked together wonderfully. A smooth performance from the Merkur 39C /Ninja Stainless duo cutting through my remaining stubble with effortless ease.

A comfortable 2 pass + pick ups shave with no errors to report. Finishing the shave off with a few small dollops of Nivea Men Replenishing PSB.

My face is feeling smooth & smelling divine.

Keep safe, and enjoy your Sunday ladies & gentlemen.