SOTD Saturday 10th to Friday 16th September 2016

Saturday 10th

Zenith TS506 Synthetic
Blue's Goats Milk Tallow Soap
Ever Ready English 1912
GEM Stainless Coated #8
Alum > Duru Lemon Cologne
Lacura Aq Cream Moisturiser
Al Rehab - Dakar

Initially intended a quick 2 pass, but was enjoying the 1st pass so much I increased it to 3. It's nice to get back to the 1912 for a classic shave. The Blue's is one jewel of a soap and so easy to work with.

Happy shaves!
The Blue's is a superb Soap..for it's price, performance & slickness it's a gem .
The Omega will improve with use try giving it a few hand lathers to split the ends and to break it in'll have a nice brush after a while...this works with my for the Baboons arse looking face again..did this accur again after you used ther Maca root cream, or after you applied The Hugo Boss dark Blue a/s.or before?look at the ingredients of the maca root cream,and see what's in it, then look at the creams or soap you use that don't cause the redness.this may help you.. as for myself if i use some sensitive skin products i get the Baboons arse look also .keep us informed mate.Regards.
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May Blue's goats milk soap be with you!...
You are welcome Rob, I'm happy that you're happy.