SOTD : Saturday 10th. - Friday 16th November. 2018

Nice one, Barry - I really like the P74's. And if you need some '70s machismo for inspiration, here you go........

Pre: Warm water splash
Brush: Vie-Long 13052 Horse
Soap: Vitos Red
Razor: Bigelow-Parkin (on loan)
Blade: Gillette 7 O'Clock Yellow
Post: Warm then cold water rinse, Epsilon Blue Med ASL

The super slick Vitos lather brought out the very best from the Bigelow-Parkin.
This is more than just a gimmick, it's a very good razor.
Happy Shaving one and all.
Sunday 11th November
Prep: Hot face wash Pears (India)
Pre: Maggard Lavender pre shave oil (USA)
Soap: Henri et Victoria Chestnut L'Orange (Canada)
Brush: Poraso Pro (Italy)
Bowl: Suribachi (Japan)
Razor: Gillette Tech (England)
Blade: Voshkod (Russia)
Post: Hot and cold rinse
AS: Bart's Balm Bergamot and Vanilla (Scotland)
ASB: Nivea Active Energy 2 in 1 (Germany)
EDP: JPG Le Male (France)

Wanted to see how many products i could use from countries who fought in WW1
Monday 12th November

De Vergulde Hand
RazoRock 400
Rockwell 6C R4
Vintage Schick (5)
De Vergulde Hand Balm
Davidoff Adventure EdT

Dipping the tips and putting in a little extra effort paid off - the lather was super glossy, protective and very slick. Another example of an inexpensive soap punching beyond its price point.
The Schick blade is still going strong, showing no signs of dulling.
Finishing with Davidoff Adventure - subtly fragrant and relaxing
Wilkinson Sword Protector 3 cartridge razor
Truefitt & Hill Ultimate Comfort Cream
Muhle STF
Executive Shaving handmade bowl
Barts Balm Lime Oil ASB

First shave for ages with my trusty old WS cart razor. I must say I really enjoyed it, 2 passes WTG, not the closest ever shave but decent enough, very comfortable, drama free and the least irritation I've had post shave for a long time. I may well stick at this for a bit, perhaps now I know how to lather, cream, brush & cart might actually be a good combo for me. Even if I was to go back to mainly cart shaving, I'm done with canned crap for good! Always like the handle on the WS Protectors. Very easy to hold and a bit of weight to it, the Mach 3 type are so light and flimsy.

I know people rave about Muhle, and the brush is good, but honestly out of the 4 synths I have, its by far the least comfortable to hold and takes a bit more work than the others do. So I think I get now why some of you say that they're lagging behind the current crop of synths, and overpriced with it.