SOTD sat 29th/fri 4th

Thanks Chris, I waiting for my turn on the Pass Around, I am looking forward to it, your posts have been most informative , thank you. P.
SOTD: 290717

Brush: Razzorock Barbour Handle Synthetic
Razor: Parker Adjustable #1.5
Blade: Astra SP #1
Soap: Vreto Orange & Mandarin
Post: Thayers Witch Hazel Unscented
EDC: DR Harris Traditional

This weekends Saturday shave has been another first for me. First time with a Synthetic, First time with an adjustable (Excluding Rockwell 6c) and a first with this artisan soap.

Firstly I can now begin to understand what all the fuss is about with regards to the Plissoft Synth Brushes. How soft are these. Thank you @Oomer .A joy to use and so much so I now want the Big Bruce but that is for another day.
A fantastic face lathering brush that was silky smooth on the face.

Now to the Parker Adjustable. Thank you @Blademonkey . Having had great advice I started and remained on a setting of 1.5. I could immediately tell that this razor will take a while to get used to. Even at a setting of 1.5 I could feel the aggressiveness in her. My first pass managed to remind me with a small nick to the chin but nothing too serious I am pleased to report.
Audibility is really good on this razor and the weight of it allowed me to apply no pressure for it to do its work. I would hate to know at the moment what setting 6 would do to me. A blood bath in the waiting if handled incorrectly I am sure but the final result was really, really good. 3 pass BBS with no touch-ups and no burn.
I know I could come to like this razor very much with a bit more practice.

The star of the show for me was the Soap. Following a recent group buy I purchased three of these and I was drawn to using the Orange and Mandarin. The scent is divine and stays with you throughout your shave. The Cushion, slickness and protection was up there with the best I have used to date. A gorgeous thick lather whipped up in seconds. It is a thirsty soap but adding a little water at a time with the razorrock it created a wonderful face lather, thick and scrumptious. Post shave feel is sublime. An amazing product that I highly recommend.

A little witch hazel and a generous splashing of the DR Harris EDC, I am good to go.

Enjoy your shaves and the rest of the weekend Gentlemen.

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You are very welcome Wayne now go get Bruce.

Omega 40033
Fatip Testina Gentile
Supermax Super Platinum
Extro Arancia Italiano
Thayers Rose & Extro Arancia Italiano

This razor is solid! Dropped it on the bathroom floor to a thud expecting a broken thread or damage, not even a scratch. Shave unaffected and top notch as I am coming to expect. The cream is very nice, scent is a grower, smelt like floor cleaner in the tub but once lathered it opens up quite nicely. Very orangey, that is the dominant note. Aftershave is sweeter and a little nicer smelling. Top quality product though.

© Floid_Maniac

Third and last shave with this Polsilver Super Iridium blade. Still sharp and feels very smooth. No cuts, no bleeding but little irritation and itching on my neck`s skin. This telling me that I put more pressure in my strokes with this blade as with others to get a clean shave. Knowing my hair`s groth directions, I get a BBS result after two passes. But yesterday after the second shave, my stubbles on some areas were noticeable back after four to five hours. It seems to me that this blade don´t cut my hairs that deep as the Feather Hi Stainless or the Astra Super Stainless. Will see for how long I have a stubble free skin today.

Wishing you all great shaves and a relaxing Sunday.

German Song "Capri Fischermen" sung by tenor Rudi Schuricke. The German composer Gerhard Winkler wrote the song in 1943. The play of the song on the radio was forbidden by the Nazis, since the US army had already landed on Capri in the same year.
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Thanks Chris, I waiting for my turn on the Pass Around, I am looking forward to it, your posts have been most informative , thank you. P.
Paul no problem, please let me know how you get on, I would be most interested.

I am enjoying the Rocnel.
Thanks Chris, I waiting for my turn on the Pass Around, I am looking forward to it, your posts have been most informative , thank you. P.
Hope you get the pass around soon. Can you please tag me, I would be most interested to hear how you find Rocnel.

I picked up 2 parallel scratches yesterday, given their position, on the second pass, going XTG on the face. Can't see any rough edges on the razor head, or any issues with the blade - for the life of me don't know what caused this.

All the best,

~SOTD~ 30th July Sunday

Prep....Shower~MWF soap
Razor....Wolfman Guerilla
Blade....Wizamet Iridium Supers
Soap...Stirling ~ Bergamont Lavender
Brush....BSSW ~ Gonzo
Bowl....Little Wren Pottery
Post....BBB PS Balm, Jojoba oil de nuit by Armaf

Well my first shave with the wolfman was underwhelming, it's a good razor and left me with a BBS finnish but for some reason I was expecting more! I think it's because I've been wanting one of these for so long that in my mind the first time I used it something magical would happen and of course it didn't but to give it its due it did produce a very good finnish. Talking about finnish, the finnish on this razor is outstanding, it's an extremely well made razor and very well balanced.
You have to shave riding the cap to get the BBS I was after but it did it and with some style but as I said I was a little underwhelmed so I my pass it on or I may keep, I'm not sure yet!


Have a great Sunday ya all.......