SOTD Sat. 27th April to Fri. 3rd May 2013

Evening, everybody.


Prep: Claus Porto's Lime-oil face soap
Razor: EJDE89 with iKon Bulldog handle, shimmed
Blade: Super Max Blue Diamond (3)
Brush: Ecotools Kabuki
Shave soap: Arko stick
A/S: Pashana

Close, comfortable, and irritation-free. Perhaps I'll stick to splashing aftershave on my freshly-shaven face.
Gillette 2-piece New
Polsilver Stainless (1)
Semogue 1520 boar
Cella, face lathered
Lucky Tiger Face Tonic
Penhaligon's Castile

Reasonable. I think I tend to find Cella easier to bowl lather than fade lather - I'll use the SOC for that purpose tomorrow.
Proraso pre
Omega 35 Boar
TOBS Almond SC
Schick Injector Type E
Personna blade (4)
Thayer's Original
Cade ASB

Scored a mighty nick on my bottom lip. The blade had a slight overhang on the far side of the safety bar - from being over injected - so to speak. Felt the cut as it happened doing an XTG. Styptic to the rescue. All good in the end.


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Prep: Hot flannel
Razor: Cobra Classic
Blade: Feather Professional (15)
Brush: Dickinson & Gilroy boar
Soap: Klar Kabinett - suribachi lathered
Post shave: Witch hazel and WS balm

BBS tonight. Lovely. So glad I finally invested in a Plisskin. It makes a nice addition to the rest of the clan.
Prep: Cold Water Splash
Razor: Merkur Progress #3
Blade: 7 O'Clock Super Stainless #1
Brush: Simpson Duke 2 Best
Soap: Lea Stick
Post: Proraso Menthol Post Cream
Aftershave: Spieck Splash

My first shave with the Progress, a very nice result.
Tall_Paul said:

Razor: Cobra Classic

BBS tonight. Lovely. So glad I finally invested in a Plisskin. It makes a nice addition to the rest of the clan.

That's really good/bad to hear. You and me have mostly similar shaving druthers and it sounds like that damn razor would be a good fit for me also. Sheeeesh!

Well, you got me there,

Sunday evening. The first soap of the week shave.

Prep: GFT Coral Skinfood
Razor: '51 Gillette SS flare tip
Blade: NOS Scottish Perma-Sharp (2)
Brush: Simpson Polo 8 Best
Soap: Cella
Post: GFT Coral Skinfood
Aftershave: Barbershop Bay Rum.
ASB: Penhaligon's Blenheim Bouquet

Monday evening. Second day of the Cella experiment.
I decided that I used to many products yesterday to give a fair reflection of the Cella's performance, so I decided to cut down this evening.

Prep: Face wash with MdC Fougère soap sample
Razor: '51 Gillette SS flare tip
Blade: NOS Scottish Perma-Sharp (3)
Brush: Neep G2 Masur Birch
Soap: Cella
Aftershave: Boots Freshwood.
It's been over three weeks since I joined the forum - around the same time as acquiring my Merkur Futur. I've bought loads of soaps and blades and improved my technique. This morning was the best shave yet.

Hot shower
Mysore Sandalwood soap
Proraso Pre
"Frankenstein" grated and milled soap consisting of Palmolive shave stick, Arko Shavd stick and a cake of Boots soap.
Turkish horse hair brush
Futur setting 2
Wilkinson Sword German blade (3rd use)
3 pass plus pick up
Alum block
Witch Hazel
Floid orange
Arko classic cream
Boots No 7 Anti Ageing

I tried the Wilkinson on setting 3 on my futur for the first two shaves and I got really bad razor burn. Turned down a notch and I got a much smoother irritation free shave.

I love this new hobby of mine
Cella(day2 of Cella week)
Vie-Long horse
Fat Handle Tech
Astra ss
Witch Hazel Gel.

Yes it still worked fine today will use different combo tomorrow.
Prep: Hot Shower
Soap: Cella (soap of the week)
Brush: Neep Aztec 29mm Extra Silvertip
Razor: Gillette New with iKon Bulldog handle
Blade: Gillette SuperThin
Balm: Barbershop Bay Rum
Cologne: Lauder Intuition for men.

Another Excellent shave, it took me a bit longer to load this brush, probably due to it's exceptionally soft tips, than it took yesterday with the Duke 3 Best. Still managed ton load plenty and generate an excellent lather face lathering though.

Excellent BBS shave.
Tuesday xxx April 2013

Prep: Hot shower, Arran Aromatics Lavender & Tea Tree Facial Wash
Pre: Cold Splash (please read on....)
Brush: Frank Shaving Finest Badger Turnback
Cream: Miller Harris Feuille de Tabac
Razor: Merkur 46C Travel
Blade: Gillette Rubie #2
Astringent: Thayers Medicated WH
ASB: Zirh Post Shave Solution
ASL: Acqua di Parma Colonia Intensa

Result: The vicissitudes of hotel shaving - the cold water tap came off in my hand this morning leading to an extravagant fountaining of icy cold water until I could force the handle back on and locate the thread. Much fun.
Anyway the Rubie continues to impress, as does the Feuille de Tabac and Frank's brush and knot. Fountain aside, a damn fine shave.

Have a good day, gents.

Razor: #21 Aristocrat
Blade: Russian Rapira Super Stainless
Brush: Erasmic Supreme Bristle
Soap: DR Harris Windsor
A/S: Homemade

Result: First time with the razor and blade. One of them is too mild as it took a fair bit for bbs.