Soaps on Etsy

I would recommend AVOIDING Cosy Cottage's offering. Made for a lovely (patchouli and lemongrass) scented hand soap, but the lather disappeared before I could finish half a pass.
I would recommend avoiding practically all ...

Many are just melt and pour and the rest are very foamy. There are a couple that actually work out as shaving soaps - Folk Soaps & Seaside Soap are a couple that come to mind. I bought one from Folk Soaps and found it really good! Tantra sells of Etsy, too - Hampshire Wool Fat as we nicknamed it.

If the INCI ingredients are listed, look for potassium. If it's all sodium, it'll be foamy. Look at the pictures as some show a brush with their soap. If it's foamy, avoid.
Umm sometimes its best to just bite the trend and buy an actual soap. Sure, you might find something, but most of it is just the same melt and pour that col conk and vanderhagen use.

Hell, there are "recipeis" for shaving cream online that are nothing but coconut oil mixed with canola oil and a scent.. There are others that are nothing more then coconut oil, shea butter, mixed with vinegar. I dont have to be a scientist to know that even modern williams is going to be better....
Talent Soap Factory reads pretty well ... @Geneaut reviewed one over on B&B.
TSF makes 'real' shave soap. I enjoy the soap base, and he has some fun scents. My current favorite is a jelly bean scented one. That shop is very popular on one of the wetshave subreddits.
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I also had good luck with the Village Soapsmith's glycerine shave soap. It's a fairly typical melt and pour type soap so it isn't anything fancy, but they nailed a pretty spicy sandalwood scent that I happen to like. I used a lot of those type soaps back in my early days around 2010 so I'm used to how those soaps work, and in a rotation I don't mind using one that I happen to enjoy the scent of. It lather easily, and the lather provides a nice basis for a shave. I'd purchase more of this soap in the future.

I did try another one of their 'shave soaps' that was not glycerine based,and it was not terrible. I picked up their Old Spice dupe just because I happen to like OS. The soap itself is pretty basic, but it handled making a usable lather that was shaveable. I just was a little disappointed in the scent. It was far too weak for me to properly enjoy. Ingredients were water, stearic acid, shea butter, cocoa butter, glycerin, Babassu oil, sunflower oil, castor oil, and fragrance oil. It shaves fine but doesn't jump out at me in any special way and at $10 a puck it's already more expensive than the 3 oz pucks of Stirling he makes available at the holidays. I probably wouldn't purchase this particular soap again though I'll certainly finish this puck off since it shaves perfectly well.

I'm sometimes willing to take a shot on some of these shops, but usually with the knowledge I'm probably ending up with shower soap.
I have bought Hampshire woolfat. Got each "scent"

Maybe Its my post covid nose, but I can't tell the difference.

I do think it performs very well. I'm my mind it has a sherbet smell. Maybe to much alkili?

I have seen Scottish fine soaps on UK Etsy, the irn bru one, I don't know what it's like.

I have also seen Highland soap shaving soap as well.

I bought this in person in fort William years ago. They claim it isn't supposed to lather like one world expect in order to work, and I suppose it worked OK. But I didn't enjoy it much.
I would recommend avoiding practically all ...

Many are just melt and pour and the rest are very foamy. There are a couple that actually work out as shaving soaps - Folk Soaps & Seaside Soap are a couple that come to mind. I bought one from Folk Soaps and found it really good! Tantra sells of Etsy, too - Hampshire Wool Fat as we nicknamed it.

If the INCI ingredients are listed, look for potassium. If it's all sodium, it'll be foamy. Look at the pictures as some show a brush with their soap. If it's foamy, avoid.

I can second Seaside Soap. I enjoyed both the scent and performance of Frankincense, Lavender & Bergamot
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