Soap n co meadowhall lol...

Whilst walking around meadowhall today seen a stall for soap n co selling allsorts,asked if they did shaving products and then was shown a tube of shaving gel which he said was the best stuff ever,looked like a gel only need a pea size amount applied to face with hand then shave away he said,He then went on to explain how it was made from natural minerals despite the ingrediant list on the back having more chemicals listed then i could read..must admit it smelt nice and was nearly going to buy until the price was quoted for a tube the size of a standard toothpaste tube....£30 each lmfao..think ill stick with me 49p palmolive.
hunnymonster said:
Well I expect the ingredient list of crude oil (which you could say is a liquid mineral) would take up a page or two :lol:

And then some. Also known in current EU legislation as an UVCB, a substance of unknown, variable, or complex composition, or of biological origin...