Soap - Do you need more water?

Hello Chaps

As a newbie to soap, I have been beavering away all week with my Tabac and I believe I need a little more water to produce a lather, than I do with cream. Is this just my imagination? Or is it that soap is more forgiving than cream with the addition of water?

Cheers, Rousey
Difficult to say, depends on the soap really. Tabac's very forgiving compared to others. Just load the wet brush with lots of soap and build the lather on your face or in a bowl adding small drops of water as you go.

As a rule of thumb, yes. Cream is basically just soap with more water already included (to make it paste-like)...


This has got all out of hand. You put some soap on your face with a stick, is best IMHO, wet the brush in hot water, and work it up for a couple minutes. If it isn't getting enough lather, dip the brush in hot water and get it going a bit more. Leave a couple of minutes to have a wizz or clean up the misses' magazines that are constantly messing up the bathroom and off you go. And old toilet rolls. Why do old toilet rolls stay where there are for effing days?

I leave the misses' whatsits that I don't know what they are or what they're called or what they're for but clobber up the place.

And her effing shoes - what are her effing shoes doing in the bathroom?

Don't fuss over this or that with the soap. Just bang it on.

ya.. and wearin fm boots gives better lather as the balance is so off and the swirls so more er.. intense? hmmmm

there isn't an easy answer here.. cream lathers up easier.. it is soft. The problem is you can easily load a brush with cream.. but it takes some effort to load a brush with soap. So if you are using a soap, you need to swirl your brush in the container a LOT more to get that brush loaded up with soap.. most problems are caused by not enough soap.. you can always add more water.. it isn't as easy to add more soap. So load your brush up with soap like crazy.. and move to your lathering bowl.. where you only need to worry about adding water afterwards.... a brush not well loaded is like a gun with no ammo

Best, Sue
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Mama Bear said:
a brush not well loaded is like a gun with no ammo

A post from the US by any chance?

Very B&B :lol:

Surely "a brush not well loaded is like a country that actually has no WMD but which we invaded anyway to avenge 9/11, get more oil and complete daddy Bush's unfinished business"

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Speak for yourself...I like Guns..................................whooooo, whooooooo wwwhhhhhhooooooo sweet child o miiiiiiiyyyyyyiiiiiine.