Soap Commander Renewal Shaving Soap

Heard lots about them so was keen to try, my thoughts:

Renewal is just one of many fragrances Soap Commander offer. It's described as a ‘floral fougere' with a long list of woody scents. It manifests itself as a sweet, light scent rather than anything earthy. It's not a bad fragrance but isn't the sort of thing I'd want to linger. Which is fine as it's not especially strong, but was enough to accompany me through my shaves.

Building lather seemed a challenge on all the shaves, despite loading for the usual amount of time, sometimes a little longer. Soaking it didn't help. Each time I had to work both the first and second passes a fair bit, yet I was still left without enough for my full touch-up cycle.

Slickness fluctuated with each shave, never outstanding but generally fine. Nicks were rare. Similar for the post shave; not bad but not much to blow the skirt up.

Looking back, it's a perfectly respectable performer, but my experience didn't thrill me and it's not something I would reach for over other products.

Full review here