Soap A Week Club (SAW) for next week's soap

almond knickers- mix the two together look forward to having you back in the mix my friend!
This sounds like a good idea I will put names up later this evening. Anyone interested just PM myself please thanks. Your duty will be to choose a soap to use for a week and provide your findings.....simples.
I used the Speick cream on Thursday. Was still struggling with a new brush so wasn't the best of lathers. I gave Speick a miss today as a new soap arrived. I might join in for one MWF next week but I'm not a big fan.
This exercise (using Speick for several shaves in a row) has indicated to me that it (the hard soap) is OK, but not substantially better than many others I own... for example the Arko is, for me, every bit as good (and I like the smell of toilet blocks, or whatever insults others use to describe it). And the OSP is probably better...but not enough to stop me using it up

Haven't got any MWF...only the Kent. If it's considered the same stuff but with extra smelly stuff added to it then I'll use it for several consecutive days if that's what's required.
I have a backup puck of Kent soap. I was under the impression that the Kent was identical in every way to MWF apart from the label.
Is that not true?

It was my understanding that it was essentially the same stuf but the smell was different...maybe sweeter? I regard it as OK (ish) but a bit flowery ( a technical, olfactory, term used in the pefume industry).
I think Kent is the same too Stan, maybe someone could confirm?

I have my puck of MWF blooming over night ready for the morning. I heard this is a good method if it starts cracking. Hoping not to find a dissolved puck in the morning!
Thanks, Nishy.
Used the Kent again last night. Rather like the Speick, it's OK. Nothing particularly wrong with it but nothing outstanding compared to others. As always it does depend on the brush and how much you lather it up from the puck ( I may be guilty of not spending enough time picking up soap from the tub) and whether you've used oil on the face (I think the oil diminishes the lather a bit). Happy to use it but probably won't get another. I will try a MWF one day to see if it's exactly the same but not until supplies are running down. (So that'll be in another 17 years I suspect).
Had a bowl lather with the Fat this morning, it wasn't the tightest looking lather in the world, but I got a good, safe shave out of it.
Same I'm struggling to avoid disappearing lather with the fat, it seems to me it has to be either load time or water related, never happens with other soaps.
The Kent is the same Soap with slightly different pong.

I found MWF was VERY difficult to lather and It needed a brush with a good bloom. In the end i had enough of pandering to its inconsistent nature and moved it on. Plenty better out there that "just work"!
I'm thinking its a tall task to configure this soap in a week. Anyone have a fool proof method in hard water?
I'm thinking its a tall task to configure this soap in a week. Anyone have a fool proof method in hard water?

Yeah. Give up!!! LOL.

Seriously though @ pjgh had a thread about MWF lathering in hard water. I sent him some of my rock hardwater to trial. Struggling to find it to create a link for you all???
Seriously though @ pjgh had a thread about MWF lathering in hard water. I sent him some of my rock hardwater to trial. Struggling to find it to create a link for you all???

Perhaps it was while we were on the 'other' site?

I really like MWF. I do have soft water.
I hadn't pulled it out for a while, gave it a soak overnight and went about my usual business.
Even on my first go out in months, I find it slick and I can choose my consistency with it.
Having got used to a couple of other soaps, perhaps it gives a little less cushion than others.
(I keep forgetting, cushion means can't feel the blade, right?)
I love the feel post shave as well.
It will be interesting to see if it can get better through the week.