Soap A Week Club (SAW) for next week's soap

MWF is a soap many of us will have - and it's also inconsistent - so would it be worthwhile having a week long exercise in seeing how people get on with it in different areas?

I agree that it would be interesting to get a spectrum of guys' inputs on MWF, hell I might even grab a puck and join in to see if I can get success (3rd or 4th time lucky?)
Today was my last day with Speick. It went really well today with the stick. I ground it on my face until I couldn't get any more soap to stick, then face lathered and got enough for 3 passes (only did 2 though). Very nice stuff.
I voted for Tabac since I don't own any of the others.
Ok executive decision made, next week will be MWF, many have issues lathering this product myself being one, it would be great to get some help/views on using this.

Being UKRob's suggestion I will leave the following soap choice in his good hands.

Last day of Speick and it has been thoroughly enjoyable. Managed to appreciate how much water:soap is needed for a hard candy sheen like lather. I think I made around a 2mm dent in my soap
The 3rd and last Speick stick shave this morning and because it's such an easy soap to use, I now know my go to holiday soap. Easy lather, nice scent and good performance.
I also now realise I prefer to change soaps more often, so not sure if I'll continue with SAW.
Have a great week with MWF. As I'm not into it I'll do my own Cella week and will catch up with you the following week for the next soap selection.
Can I stand the smell of almonds for a whole week? I'll see; at least it won't be a week of granny's knickers
Last day of Speickmania. Shaving oil under the lather does make a difference. Face lathering with the Omega 49 could become a habit now. I think I'll try the Speick shaving cream tomorrow, while the memory of the soap is still fresh and then stay away from Speick products for a while.
As I don't have any MWF, I can do what I like next week. To be honest: using the same soap for a week is a bit boring.
Dare a non participant who is an interested observer of this thread offer a suggestion re the selecter of the next soap ? Would a short list of those interested work if the top person each week selects your next soap and then goes to tye bottom of the list. This would enable everyone to see when their turn was coming up and obviate any last minute rush to decide where the honour lies.

JohnnyO. o/