So, Maple Syrup has it's own 'mafia'.

Maple Syrup is very popular in our household. Always make a point of buying the dearer stuff obvs.

To me, the Grade A amber/dark syrup isn't as deeply flavored as the Grade B dark. Price is about the same on both I believe, so maybe look for the B sometime.....more maple wonderfulness.

Also, a great seasonal candy is made by reducing the syrup into soft, melt in your mouth maple sugar candy. Usually shaped like a tree or Santa or some such, the ones to get are all pure maple syrup with no other ingredients added. Heh, my daughter gives me a small box of different pieces for Christmas.
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Maple syrup is ok, I suppose. Can't compete with quality honey

What's up Big G,

Honey is pretty dull at best, even the exotic stuff. Sorry, but you had to find out sometime and I am trying to be gentle.

However, if you ever get a chance to try some well made maple praline candy with will like it!
To me, the Grade A amber/dark syrup isn't as deeply flavored as the Grade B dark. Price is about the same on both I believe, so maybe look for the B sometime.....more maple wonderfulness.
On the strength of that, Matini, I have just ordered some Canadian Maple Syrup - Amber No. 2. and some dry cured unsmoked back bacon to try it on - tentatively. Before that, though, I shall try some potato chips, maple syrup and bacon flavour! Sheesh! I accept that they probably won't taste remotely like the title suggests. (and people are afraid of parabens in having cream!)
On the strength of that, Matini, I have just ordered some Canadian Maple Syrup - Amber No. 2. and some dry cured unsmoked back bacon to try it on - tentatively. !)

Carl, did you order the grade B too because I think you'll prefer it but your call of course. Heh, also worth trying is maple butter and maple sugar and those adorable maple candies. Gotta be careful with those candies because many companies will add crap instead of using pure syrup.

The bakeries here will often sell a maple frosted doughnut with bacon on top. Little too strange for me but popular.

Oh hell Carl, better get both syrup on shipping too!

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Maple syrup on bacon is surprisingly nice, though I tend to go for chilli sauce and salad cream if it's a bacon buttie. I'm also fond of sausage and marmalade sandwiches so don't mind me.

M&S Maple and Bacon Crisps are very nice. Kettle make them too, and are half price at Tesco at the moment so £1 a pack, not quite so nice though.

Maple and Bacon do go together very well, I had a Maple & Bacon Milkshake in a Denny's, sounds awful but very nice, only problem was the bacon bits getting stuck up the straw !
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Amber No. 2 most nearly matches your Grade B Dark descriptor. Medium No. 1 looks washed out yellow whereas Amber No. 2 looks like it might have some balls. If there's a stronger taste/smell to be had, it's for me (excluding dunnies and such before anyone suggests them) - and anyway, I know what good taste you have and exhibit at all times.

I'm just betting this stuff is a sweet as shit! No - I have never tasted it - preferring to turn up my nose at the very suggestion of such an un-English practice as to pour sweet syrup onto one's breakfast, don'ch'a know! Oh! the power of persuasion of a TSR thread!
I had to give mine away! A teaspoonful to taste caused me to read the label and thus to discover maple syrup is 61.5% sugar by weight. Even I recognise that is not good for Type II diabetics! Shame! Turns out I know some maple syrup fans so it went to a good home where it won't last long.