So, Maple Syrup has it's own 'mafia'.

Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire
I love the stuff, and upon reading the snooze whilst supping my Kenco, I happened upon this article on the Beeb:

Now, I would have thought that in this day and age, this sort of practice would be long gone. It's tantamount to racketeering surely? That said, it doesn't take away from the sweet deliciousness that is maple syrup, in fact I shall be buying some today to go on some pastries this weekend I think!

What say thee, are you a lover of the golden sweet sap of the maple tree?
I love the syrup. (Edit: though not on bacon).

If anyone is a fan of science fiction, they ought to check out "Live Free or Die" by John Ringo. It's the first book in the Troy Rising series, and maple syrup plays an important role in the first half of that book.

The series was inspired by the Schlock Mercenary webcomic.
I was dubious about syrup on bacon but found it to be superb. The mix of salty and sweet, the crunch of well cooked streaky bacon and softness of the thick pancakes drizzled with maple. Lovely.
I found out that HP stands for Houses of Parliament and the reasoning behind it, fascinating!
Where I went to primary school in a district of Birmingham called Aston (as in Aston Villa) was directly overlooked by Ansells Brewery on one side and the HP Sauce factory on the other. The combined smell was something to experience - but disappeared within a couple of days of constant exposure.

I used to drive past those places on the way to work and I absolutely loved that smell,in fact it used to prompt me to buy a Bacon sandwich that I never knew I wanted.

This is disgraceful, but not unique in Canada. We have milk and egg production quotas, which keep price high; in most Provinces wine and liquor are sold only through government owned outlets and beer is sold through outlets owned by the major brewers. I could go on, but it'll only get my blood pressure up. As for maple syrup, I don't like it particularly.

As a lad my father lived near Lea & Perrins, famous for the Worcester Sauce. He loved the stuff but said the air around the factory wasn't so appealing as the product.