So I broke my mug...

I've been away all this week stopping in a hotel, the bathroom was spacious, well lit with a huge mirror.

The + a slippery counter knocked my EJ mug off of the counter an broke the handle.

Can anyone recommend a nice-ish mug of some sorts? Perhaps something bigger than my last. Not keen on just using a bowl as I really like a handle.

Also is there anything anyone can recommend about keeping the lather hot?

Many thanks gurus!

I've never had much success with keeping lather hot or even warm. I suspect it's the fact that I live in an exceptionally hard water area (if you look on the maps of water hardness most of East Anglia is in the hardest category). I find that trying to keep my lather warm, no matter which soap or cream I use, just causes the lather to collapse into a frothy mess.

That said, many people do have great success with keeping their lather warm. The simplest way is to place the mug in the basin of hot water you use for face and razor rinsing. Alternatively, a scuttle (specifically a Moss-type scuttle as opposed to the old-fashioned soap scuttle) is a popular piece of kit. Several people make them, but many of us recommend Steve Woodhead - I have a lather bowl from him as opposed to a scuttle, but the quality is the same and I love mine for cream lathering. Alternatively, if his prices are a bit steep for your budget, two containers where one will fit in the rim of the other so that you have hot water in the lower one and lather in the upper can work well, though stability issues may arise if what you're using as a lather bowl doesn't fit well inside the hot water container.

As for the mug question, though I'm not familiar with the EJ mug, I suspect that, if you want something much larger, you might have to look at a small lather bowl or scuttle. Steve Woodheads' bowls and scuttles do both come with handles, so if the lack of one is your only objection to a bowl or scuttle then it need not be.
Oh what a shame, the EJ mugs are beautiful, not to mention dear, I'd be gutted. I have the matching bowl, very stylish and yes, a little on the small side.

I don't have any suggestions unfortunately, or not any that are quite as stylish.

Warmth wise, it's not that easy to achieve, I go for stored heat by soaking a terracotta pot (an empty tapas dish) in really hot water prior to lathering, that stays pleasantly warm for about 5 mins but I'm a pretty quick shaver.

If you have a shallow sink (a la Mantic) it's pretty easy to keep a bowl balanced but it's not so easy for us with steeper sided sinks.
If you have the budget then go for the woodhead scuttle. Mine arrived today. Whilst I will still face lather primarily, the scuttle is a nice change of pace.
An easy solution could be to buy a small lidded ramekin pot, usually around 8 to 9cm in diameter. They cost around £3 to £4. I soak one in the basin while showering, and put the lid upside down on top of the pot which is filled with hot water. It keeps the lather warm. The upside down lid works like a shallow shaving bowl, and you could hold the lid's handle between the fingers.

In fact, anything with a slightly high centred lid could work just as well.
I am sure I once saw a hard rubber shaving mug on ebay - several colors etc.
That might at least do for travelling until you find yourself something more aesthetically pleasing.
I did the same with a mug that I really like. Big piece out of the side. Went to the local hardware store and found one of the new epoxy's designed for ceramics. Not new but has held for > 6mo.
No. I don't remember the name. But it wasn't 't more than 6-7$us.
antdad said:
I'd glue the damn handle back on.

I can't it's in a million pieces! To small to glue back together, I'm using it without the handle it's just a bit pants!

The Steve wood head looks great but I'm too skint at the moment. I will be looking through asda's isles to see what I come up with.
Cappuccino cup for me. Small at the bottom, wide at the top - great for lathering. I leave it in the sink with hot water, works well enough.