
I laughed aloud at that! Is "gross indulgence" the politically correct term for addicted consumption? Then that's the one I want!

I'm informed that I become less politically correct as I grow older, which I thought impossible. I failed to received an intended bollicking this morning for saying that, "I am crippled by my back" - perfectly reasonable, I thought. Seems I'm supposed to say, "I'm disabled by my back", which sounds like bollix to me. Crippled is too "victimy" and Dickensian (since when was Dickensian supposed to be bad?) it seems, whereas disabled is acceptable. Why? Stops them understanding the truth I think! Wraps it neatly into an acceptable package! And there was me thinking I was being polite because I didn't say "fucking crippled" - no pleasing some folk!

Anyway - snuff!
Talk about "making a man an offender for a word" and "stand thou by me for I am holier than thou" ! For me, when your back is particularly bad I'd feel that "crippled" was singularly restrained. But then, I don't speak circumlocution (as Dickens could have, but didn't, write).

JohnnyO. \:s
Yeah! Right on! Urban Dictionary defines a cripple as, "A person who has a disability and embraces it, rather than feeling sorry for themselves. Yes, I am a Cripple, got a problem with that?" Not a lot of "victimy" in that!

Anyway - snuff!

Oh! talking of which, my mobility scooter arrived yesterday - a minimum price web purchase negotiated even lower (equivalent to wages for a pensioner) so it arrived in bits. All assembled now except for the swivel assembly (optional extra) is still to be fitted under the seat. All shiny and new - in my sitting room. I wonder if I can get it onto the pavement by myself? Hell, I'm looking forward to a "walk" in the park for the first time in fourteen months (fact, not "victimy"). Then hey ho! tea in John Lewis' this afternoon - and entire shopping mall full of milling people!

Anyway - snuff!!!
\:icon_razz:/ BIG YAY !!! @ new pavement gunship for Big Bro Bechet. Complete with ancillary snuff container mounted on handleybars no doubt. Just don't be snuffing that dynamite s..t on an empty tummy before breakfast & then piloting the device.
As a point of info Carl, is it the "Viking Dark" you favour which delivers the real mind blowing effect ?

JohnnyO. \:icon_razz:
VD certainly gives a lift on an empty stomach first thing in the morning but the head jammer was a Schmalzler (or sumpin' like that), many thanks to dodgy's recommendation/advice/insistence/command/suggestion. Don't do it!!

Why, thank 'ee, Sir! As with all good plans ..... Practice in the park went out the window and I embark on a maiden voyage in the crowded mall!! OR I use the magic sticks in the mall and practise in the park later.
After you become experienced on 3 Wheels!!!
Harley Davidson is coming out with a New Electric 2 wheeler!!! Only 13,000$
Johnus said:
After you become experienced on 3 Wheels!!!
Harley Davidson is coming out with a New Electric 2 wheeler!!! Only 13,000$

Four, sir! One in each corner - and that feels precarious enough for me! Slow right down to a crawl for cornering! Not hit anything or anybody thus far.

Sorry to partially derail the thread, but a thought keeps going through my head. Carl, what about starting something called 'Pimp my Mobility Scooter' and maybe even get a nice babe magnet for two outta the deal. There's no shortage of home movies to get ideas from.

Here's one that reminded me of you for some reason. See whatcha think:

The pronunciation of "My Lady" is how I imagine all you Limeys talking (or worse).......even a woman like Toots, which is tragic.

My apologies to the OP again,

"Brain Freeze" think I got my first one last night.
Think it's the snuff or just that I inhaled to deeply???
I take a pinch and sniff it from between my thumb and forefinger like I'm smelling a flower; I think this gives more control. Putting it on the back of your hand and inhaling in one go is for headbangers, IMO as it's an all-or-nothing strategy.
MarkDifferential said:
I take a pinch and sniff it from between my thumb and forefinger like I'm smelling a flower; I think this gives more control. Putting it on the back of your hand and inhaling in one go is for headbangers, IMO as it's an all-or-nothing strategy.

Oi! Watchit! My maternal grandparents would take their snuff from the backs of their hands when they were being posh. On his own, Grandad would take a pinch - half for each nostril. I do a pinch each and still only get up half of what he did - as I remember it as a little lad. Bit like seeing your Dad's todger for the first time! Fuck me purple, I remember thinking, it's bigger than my leg!
And yes... The wife has found one of the Bullets that I left on the dresser. Needless to say she's just as impressed by it as she was with the rest of the manly toys!! Need to move the snuff in with the Gillette's and the straight's collection!