Sniffing out the best Taylors creams

Tuesday October 26, 2010
As expensive shaving creams are a little hard to come by here (although I can get a few) and seemingly everything I've read suggests that Taylors are among the very best creams, can you answer a fairly nebulous question for me?
Although difficult to describe I know, what do the following creams smell like? From their names I haven't a clue.
Jermin Street
Mr Taylor
Eton College
Shaving Shop
St James

I know sandalwood is a very popular fragrance, and I quite like it, but not enough. I like citrusy, modern scents (this is nebulous, isn't it?) and so far I've tried Ingrams, Erasmic, Bluebeard's Revenge, Wilkinson Sword, Palmolive shaving stick and Geo F Trumper's lime.
Of these I really like the Bluebeard's smell, and quite like the Erasmic too. The lime smell from Trumper's wasn't strong enough for my liking so I guess I like aftershave-overpowering scents too.
These scents are rather 'old-school' so perhaps too different to the ones you favour. I was PIF'd a few sample aftershaves a while back and wasn't too crazy about them, though was possibly swayed by Mrs PC who really didn't like any of them. I'm hoping someone here will send you some samples, but if you like 'citrusy and modern scents' I don't think any of them would be for you. Please, can someone with a better nose than I correct me if I'm wrong, but I would place these TOBS scents firmly in the traditional category.
Thanks PigCat.
I know it's an 'old school' brand but sought the knowledge of those 'in the know', so thanks for that.
I may treat myself to a few samples at Christmas, or some more of the Bluebeard's Revenge. Stick to what you know you like.

If you or anyone out there can recommend anything to me I'll give it a go.

EDIT: by the way, wasn't angling for any freebies!
NtStig, if you like the fresher scents and want to try Taylors why not plump for the Lemon & Lime. I haven't tried it but I would assume it has a nice strong scent if their Rose is anything to go by. Otherwise Nannys is an obvious choice. Quite a few of hers are a bit citrusy and zingy. Not that many here seem to use Edwin Jagger creams but I like the Aloe Vera so they may be worth a try. I do like the Bluebeards - because our hobby is sometimes called 'traditional shaving' there isn't anything much very modern out there, but this brand is definitely going against the grain.*

* C'mon really, that's not bad is it? Shaving Shack - please contact me by PM for my postal address to send huge rewards for giving you the idea to use this as part of your marketing.
Very good! Your wit is razor sharp!
With that kind of wit you are sure to b laid (be laid, b-lade... erm, I surrender to the better man!)

I like traditional razors but topping off with not-so-traditional shaving scents. There's always one who has to be difficult, and it's usually me
the jermyn street sensitive cream has a subtle but masculine and clean smell to it. Quite sharp and refreshing. very very hard to explain because it doesnt really smell of anything as such. I just know I like it a lot.
shrink said:
the jermyn street sensitive cream has a subtle but masculine and clean smell to it. Quite sharp and refreshing. very very hard to explain because it doesnt really smell of anything as such. I just know I like it a lot.
Yes, I was just reading your post about it, strangely enough. I will probably get some of this for Christmas.
Where is the best place to get it from, do you know?

I may also get some L'Occitane soap as Debenhams is selling this at the mo, or some GFT from the local independent department store. Much nicer to go in the shop and get it if possible

EDIT: Shaving Shack suggests that the Jermyn St sensitive is unscented :-S
they are wrong sadly. It definitely has scent. its subtle and classy, but its there.

No idea where mine came from i'm afraid, it was a birthday present. I think it was off one of the amazon sellers that have it for about £9
Hi there

Prob not a lot of help but i had Mr Taylors cream for a while. it was a very nice but as you've already been told traditional smell to it. By that I could really only describe it as slightly sweet and almost like the smell of vanilla ice ceam?!! Very pleasant. As for the Lemon / lime I found it a very synthetic type of smell which was bugger all like lemon or you've guessed it, lime. Whilst lime seems a popular scent for shaving creams and soaps it would appear that many manufacturers can't replicate it. Having said that Nanny of Silly Soap fame sent out a sample which was fantastically limey so might be worth a try?
It's very helpful, thanks. I would have been quite annoyed i think if i'd ordered the lemon and lime, so That's saved me money and disappointment - thanks. I check the southend and Colchester branches of tk maxx occasionally; will have to do so more often as there's no guarantee you'll find the same thing twice (i guess that adds to the fun and the excitement when the hunting pays off)