Slowly but surely.

I thought I’d report my early progress in the world of DE shaving. After being bearded for more than a year, I took the plunge last week and whipped off the facial fuzz, first by clippering to a no.1 then deploying my new Muhle R89 for the first time. Following the general consensus on the forums, I used a Derby blade. The cream was T&H Ultimate Comfort, the brush a Vulfix 2233 super badger.

I have to admit, my first shave wasn’t exactly the finest of my life. The R89 feels great in my hand and is clearly streets ahead of the Boots cheapo that I’ve tried previously, but the end results were pretty rough, with a fair few nicks and a lot of irritation.

I attempted to take it easy with two WTG passes but the amount of stubble remaining was unacceptable. I then did a third hybrid XTG/ATG pass very tentatively, applying virtually no pressure. That reduced the stubble to (just) acceptable levels but my face was uncomfortable for the rest of the day.

However… things have been getting better.

I’ve shaved three more times since that first attempt and each has been better than the last. I’m still a long way from the irritation free shaves that so many of you talk about but I’ve managed to eliminate most of the nicks that I’d been getting. I changed to a Red Personna for the last shave and that seems to have helped, although it’s just as likely that my technique is improving. I’m working my way though Paul’s sampler pack and I’ll give the Derbys another shot in a few weeks. I ain’t touching the Feathers for a while, though.

The main remaining problem is that my shaves are taking absolutely ages. I knew I’d be on a learning curve, so I’ve been shaving in the evening to avoid having to rush. However, 30-40 minutes is still a bit excessive, isn’t it? Hopefully, this will improve too, but I doubt that I’ll ever reach the realms of five minute quickies. The Mach 3 may have to remain on the bathroom shelf for that purpose.
Good to see that you're making progress.

My first DE shaves were 30-40 minutes, and I remember thinking that shaving in a morning before work (when I started I shaved in the evening) would never happen, but with practice you get better and quicker. It will come.

Sound's like your'e going about things in the right way, as you find the most suitable blade and all your techniques improve so will your results.

Going from beard to comfortable five minute shaves is quite a step. As you become more confident you'll naturally get faster but 10 - 20 minutes is a more reasonable target.
Good to hear things are improving... Most importantly keep the faith!

The next couple of weeks you will start to notice things getting much much easier and fluid.
Its all repetition and muscle memory.

Give it a month and you will easily take 10-20 minutes off those shaves .. give it a year and you will be able to get an irritation free BBS in less than 10 minutes if you need to.
(Not that you will want to tho.. Once your confidence builds a little more you can start to enjoy the entire process).

I take about 20 minutes to shave these days.. Long enough to enjoy it, but not so long as to make it a chore.
Hi Largo, I can well recall my first bloody (that's descriptive and accurate ) ventures with a second hand (inherited from my unsympathetic Dad) Gillette 7 O'Clock & a fairly corroded old three piece Gillette razor. That was way back in the early sixties as a young teenager so I can promise you that everything will just get better & easier as you continue to hone your skills, your skin adjusts to these unaccustomed assaults on it and you find your best combination of razor, blade and lathering agent. Personally I believe that you've got a really nice razor which will give you gr8 service for many years to come and the rest of your kit sounds just fine. Only (hopefully constructive) suggestion I would dare to make is that perhaps sometime you may wish to try a glycerine based soap. Colonel Conk isn't that expensive and was the first Glycerine product I used. I wish I'd got onto it years ago. Now I use Mama Bear handmade soaps which I can't see myself moving away from as long as I can obtain them.
Anyway, please don't get discouraged, your skills will develop faster than you may now imagine. As for having your Gillette available in reserve, nowt wrong with that. When I first commenced with a straight edge open razor I initially only used it on my cheeks for ever so long whilst negotiating the remainded of the facial areas with a Merkur Slant.
Plse keep us posted with how you get on and what other products you experiment with over time.
All the Best, JohnnyO.
Nice and easy Largo,

How are you finding the T&H, that’s one cream I would whole heartedly recommend to anyone.

Try and hold back on going against the grain until you really are comfortable going with and across to start with. Even then it might be too much for your skin, it is for me.

As the above have stated, once you become more comfortable with your technique, the time taken will be reduced. In fact the majority of the time I take is with the prep.

Hope you keep enjoying it.