slim twist

Wednesday February 9, 2011
Hello all

Just bought a Gillette slim twist of ebay this one <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... K:MEWNX:IT</a><!-- m --> the colour of the handle did the deal for me seen similar things but with black does any one know if this colour is any thing unusual (hoping that ive bagged the only green handled one alive :lol: )
Umm..well..I think its made in China..I doubt the US had colored plastic with their DE fact metals were a shortage just before and until after the WWII..but hey..its retro lookin!
It's a late 1960s/early 1970s, probably British made - came in all sorts of colours - white, orange, green, blue & black at least.

The nearest it's been to China is in the previous owner's crockery cabinet - the subtle hint being "The underside of the head is stamped Gillette England" in the description. Presumably that's "England, China" - well-known razor manufacturing area.

Post of the year. :lol:

thanks for the reply guys,ive been looking around the internet today seen plenty of white ,black,blue ones but none this colour.
Its still in the post so have not seen it in the flesh yet hopefully its not a complete dog .
may be up for a trade in the future frenchblade but i do like the colour

It looks reasonable from the photos.
the slim came in the post today looks nice and tidy no date code on it.This is a bit annoying as i would love to be able to tie it down to its year.
maybe its a super rare green handle and no date code :lol:
I just PIF'd an orange handled version of one of these to a friend.

Unfortunately, the parcel has not arrived, and I'm suspecting the worst.
