"Skyfall" New Bond Film

It wouldn't be on my list to go see but Mendes is certainly an interesting director and Bardem should make a good bad guy.

I don't know, it's hard to top the Bourne series by Greengrass, it's what Bond should be like and most action/agent films I've seen since are usually ripping something off.
People don't often believe me when I tell them I've never seen any of the 20-odd bond films.

I've read all the books though.
joe mcclaine said:
People don't often believe me when I tell them I've never seen any of the 20-odd bond films.

I've read all the books though.

Well, I believe you because I don't think you'd lie about it, however it does strike me as a little unusual that you'd read all the books and then make a decision not to watch the films. I'd imagine it'd be difficult not to watch any!

Watch one, see how you feel about it
pugh-the-special-one said:
Well the Wife and I went to see the film today, and I must say without doubt this is the worst Bond film I've ever seen, don't waste your money.


Oh dear, this afternoon I booked tickets for us to go and see it this Sunday. Neither of us are particularly fans of Bond so for me I'm just happy for a good action adventure really. At least if it's crap I can blame Mrs PC as she's the one who wants to see it. Perhaps I should have booked the back row? :s

I've watched bits and pieces of them when they've been on TV. The Bond in the books is a cold, dark and violent loner but from what I've seen, the Bond in the films is a bit of a one-line cracking buffoon.

Just saying, like.

Well, the books may well be better (I expect they probably are) but don't you feel the slightest bit inquisitive to find out? Daniel Craig's bond isn't a buffoon by any stretch.